As a third of Pompeii has yet to be excavated, more human and animal remains could be found.
The six successful measurements did not involve Neanderthal bone but rather animal remains found in sediment layers associated with Neanderthals.
Protected by environmental protection designations and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), the caves have provided scientists with a treasure trove of wild animal remains.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | New tests on rare polar bear find
Human and animal remains which may date back to the Iron Age have been found by workmen laying the foundations of a school in south London.
"The fossils in Chicago were evaluated by experts at the Field Museum, who determined them to be animal remains dating back as far as 100 million years, " ICE said in the statement.
I'm the dog handler, searching for bodies, that has to comfort my animal when only death remains.
Feasting, particularly on pork, is attested by excavated remains of animal bones.
Animal rights in New Zealand remains a nearly intractable dilemma, given the economic divers, historic way of life for many, and a paradigm slow to shift, as in nearly every other country.
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But as Erik Sherman and Peter Kafka and even I have pointed out, TV remains a very different animal indeed.
In one of the specimen's mouths the team found the remains of what was probably the animal's last meal, diced up by the jaws and the teeth-laden radula.
It remains a solid play today, but it feels like a markedly different animal from the majestic beast that graced PCs back in ages past.
Their rumored remains now rest under Westminster Abbey, and a survey of the remains in 1933 found two youth's partial skeletons with a random mix of animal bones.
And it remains so to this day when compared to biodiesel, a fuel made from oils of plants and animal fat.
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