Australia well might since it has a particularly guilty conscience about the East Timorese: though they fought in the second world war to help prevent a Japanese invasion of Australia, the Australians ever nervous of their big neighbour shamefully broke western ranks to recognise Indonesia's rule of the annexed territory.
It annexed the territory in 1981, in a move that has not been recognised by the international community.
They were protesting against rule by Indonesia, which invaded in 1975, and formally annexed the territory the next year.
Israel first occupied the Golan Heights in 1967 and later annexed the territory in a move that is not internationally recognised.
Israel has occupied the Golan Heights since 1967 and later annexed the territory - in a move that is not internationally recognised.
The Indonesians annexed the territory in 1976 and, despite pouring in much aid over the years, have kept the East Timorese firmly under a sometimes brutal occupation force.
It may hope that the newly-departed Karmapa will cause mischief in India: he may go to a monastery in Sikkim, bringing attention to a territory annexed by India in 1975 to China's enduring disgust.
It established a unified Jerusalem as its capital and has established settlements in the West Bank, the Palestinian land, over the decades, but has not annexed any of that territory.
Perhaps 100, 000 were absorbed as their territory was annexed.
But Israel regards East Jerusalem - which it annexed in 1967 - as its territory.
They were bitterly opposed to relinquishing East Timor, a territory they believe they had annexed at great cost.
"The whole population of China is educated that this area used to be Chinese territory, which was illegally annexed by Russians in 1860, " argues Victor Larin, a regional expert at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
But most of the territory is under the control of Morocco, which annexed it in 1975 after Spanish colonial forces pulled out.
Israel annexed the Golan Heights in 1981 and peace talks with Syria over the territory have repeatedly failed.