Many corporate clients are annoyed at the HTC dropping calls, that is their number one concern.
Connie Hedegaard, the EU's climate chief, is annoyed at the generally slow progress of negotiations.
Sunday World northern editor Jim McDowell said he was angry and annoyed at Friday's announcement.
So customers are increasingly annoyed at the complexity of making the various technologies work together.
During his second service game he became annoyed at fans shouting as he was about to serve.
Mourinho is becoming increasingly annoyed at comments from the Frenchman in the media about his Blues team.
American generals are privately annoyed at the Germans messing up their command structures.
The idea is to raise people's curiosity enough while ensuring they won't be annoyed at being distracted from the tennis.
Sinn Fein West Tyrone MLA Declan McAleer has said people living in the area are annoyed at what has happened.
Sinn Fein West Tyrone MLA Declan McAleer has said people living in the area were annoyed at what had happened.
Bell was clearly annoyed at missing such an opportunity to play a significant innings in advance of the next selection meeting.
Perhaps I ought to feel annoyed at the way in which this work is now being done more cheaply by foreigners?
FORBES: Now It's Facebook Being Accused of Paying Starvation Wages
I'm annoyed at him that he can't just remember the whole thing.
But it was probably someone who was annoyed at Justin Bieber being more than two hours late, as he was the night before.
Many rivals are annoyed at governments helping to keep bankrupt national carriers going in some form or another, because it can distort competition.
Walking along the trailside, annoyed at my cold, wet mission, I suddenly noticed a profusion of orange and yellow bell-shaped blooms growing on dwarf rhododendron bushes.
Others are annoyed at the chancellor for the string of mistakes in the Budget on pasties, charities and caravans which made them look incompetent.
Saab's main union, IF Metal, is already annoyed at GM for doing two things at once: winding down the automaker while picking through takeover bids.
Meanwhile, Miss Miron-Buchacra, known as Gaby, was at home looking after their daughter and was becoming increasingly annoyed at Mr Keene's decision to go out for the day.
On the sun-drenched golf courses of the the south coast they're already annoyed at the way their savings have been undermined by the Bank of England's policy of quantitative easing.
We still haven't been given pricing or availability (aside from being told it will be released in the coming weeks), though owners of the original T-Mobile Note will still be annoyed at how fast its sequel came out.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Note II for T-Mobile hands-on Mobile
However, when my raiding colleague, annoyed at what he saw as self-righteousness in a later argument, blurted out that I had taken this option, I was a little pained to note that my favorite adult character was clearly disgusted.
Escorted to a treatment room and cosseted with a delightful soak in a foot bath, the client is asked how he or she is feeling at the moment--relaxed? hungover? fed up with the kids? annoyed at having to answer questions?
Daly was annoyed at his finish, but after ending last week's Spanish Open with a 69 the 43-year-old, banned by the US Tour for six months in November after being thrown in jail to sober up, drew positives from starting his second event back with the same score.
If you had been paying attention, you would have already taken care of this and, frankly, if you use a preparer they might be a little annoyed at you asking them to amend a 2009 return while they are in the middle of trying to get a bunch of 2012 returns done.
Tory MPs were also annoyed at the prospect of a referendum on AV being held on the same day as elections in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which they argued would "skew" the result because turnout would differ across the UK. Plaid Cymru, the DUP and SNP have also complained about the date.
The marketing move annoyed executives at Verizon Wireless, a joint venture of Verizon Communications Inc.
WSJ: AT&T Relabels Wireless Network, Speeds Up Next Generation Rollout
The headband annoyed me at first and left red bumps on my forehead.