The launch comes a week after several investors criticised Nokia's strategy at its annual general meeting.
Shareholders opposed the re-election of chairman Sir John Bond at the company's first annual general meeting.
The balloting took place at the Cardiff Labour group's annual general meeting at County Hall.
BBC: Cardiff council leader Heather Joyce survives challenge
But the proposal was withdrawn at Faroe's annual general meeting, following talks with shareholders.
The Conference's decision is not expected to be ratified until its Annual General Meeting on 12 June.
Kilmarnock's financial accounts will be presented to shareholders at the club's annual general meeting on 16 December.
The company also announced that co-founder David Power would retire from the board after the 2013 annual general meeting.
McBeth will end his four-year spell as SFA president at the body's annual general meeting in Glasgow on Friday.
Cabinet positions and the roles of chairman and vice-chairman will be determined at the council's annual general meeting, on 15 May.
Normally, corporate events in East Asia, like a company's annual general meeting, are friendly affairs that last less than an hour.
Few company boards dare to do so at the annual general meeting.
He is nicknamed 'Silent Stan' for his low-key approach and declined the opportunity to address fellow shareholders at the club's recent annual general meeting.
The company also appointed a new chairman, Ian Davis, who will succeed Sir Simon Robertson following the annual general meeting on 2 May 2013.
The results of the ballot for the position of president is expected to be delivered at the county's annual general meeting on 31 March.
But so it was on July 14th when Sir Stuart Rose, the outgoing executive chairman, faced searching questions at the company's annual general meeting (AGM).
ECONOMIST: Big shareholders must get stuck in to make capitalism work
News that a further planning application was imminent was revealed at the group's Annual General Meeting on Tuesday by Pinewood Shepperton Plc chairman Michael Grade.
The deal was made in time for Thursday's Annual General Meeting.
At the firm's annual general meeting in June, Roy Bostock, its chairman, publicly gave the board's backing to Ms Bartz after she was criticised by shareholders.
There's the Railtrack annual general meeting in a couple of weeks' time and no doubt the shareholders will express their view and that's right and proper.
If the responsibility for top pay spreads from the boardroom to the annual general meeting, will shareholders accept the arguments made by Lord Stevenson and others?
The Ulster Unionists are scheduled to hold their annual general meeting in March, but there is a chance that there will be another meeting before then.
But on May 30th, the firm's annual general meeting is likely to approve a plan (passed by the board this week) that seems to leave most people happy.
Their plan was to gain control of Antonveneta's board at its annual general meeting at the end of April, an objective possible with around 30% of the votes.
His decision followed a court ruling that the BCCSL could not elect new officers at its annual general meeting, because notices for the election had not been properly issued.
At the Gunners annual general meeting at the Emirates Stadium on October 22 Kroenke was asked what his intentions were for the north London club, but declined to comment.
During Carnival's annual general meeting earlier this month, Mr. Arison thanked Mr. Foschi and his management team for their "amazing efforts" related to the Costa Concordia incident and its aftermath.
Meantime, Messrs Disney and Gold will try to persuade shareholders to oppose the election of Mr Eisner, and three other Disney directors, at Disney's annual general meeting in Philadelphia on March 3rd.
That's what more than a third of the company's shareholders told the Vodafone executive when they failed to vote in favor of the company's option scheme at the annual general meeting on July 25.
As announced on 9 July 2012, ASML can issue new shares equivalent to 9.99% of its issued share capital to Intel as per the authorizations granted at ASML's 2012 Annual General Meeting of shareholders.
ENGADGET: Acronym-loving Samsung joins Intel and TSMC, buys stake in ASML