No need to antagonize someone who's in a position to set you back hundreds of dollars.
Depictions of perfect women in spotless kitchens may be meant to idolize moms but only antagonize them.
He has no wish to antagonize Ankara, and may even help by trying to "box in" the PYD.
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The last thing anyone wants is to antagonize an already stressed-out fan base by haggling over too many details.
Otherwise, they will simply antagonize the very people they most want to reach.
FORBES: This Is How Google (And Its Advertisers) Will Really Get Inside Your Head
The victim did nothing to antagonize or instigate the shooter in this case.
Again, always be respectful of any officials, follow their instructions even if they are wrong, and do not antagonize them.
He does not want to antagonize the professional decorators and architects by letting people know they can get similar products at retail.
To do less will antagonize Hispanic and female voters, two voter groups Republicans must do better with to have any chance of electoral success.
University of Innsbruck Political Scientist Gerhard Manngott says since Germany, France and others don't want to antagonize Russia, they have to try to accommodate.
Naturally, their owners do not want to antagonize a sitting president.
In the lead up to the fight, Diaz skipped a public workout, then put on a strange one-man show at the pre-fight news conference that managed to befuddle and antagonize St-Pierre.
Citibank, which owned 12.5% of Vickers, had a dilemma: Although it undoubtedly wanted the best price for its stake, it probably did not want to antagonize the powerful players pumping for the merger.
While some GOP lawmakers have raised questions about his qualifications for the Labor Department, Republicans are also treading carefully so as not to antagonize Hispanic groups at a time when the party is seeking to broaden its appeal to Latino voters.