Anthrax incubates silently in the body for three days to several weeks after exposure.
The press conference was timely, right in the midst of the post-Sept. 11 anthrax scare.
The Hart building remains closed for decontamination after several anthrax "hot spots" were found there.
It sequenced the malaria genome and the anthrax strain that was unleashed in Washington, D.
Were anthrax spores present, he said, the liquid would turn yellow in a day or two.
Last fall he invited Podrebarac to speak about Vital Living's new do-it-yourself, at-home anthrax test kit.
It is a human monoclonal antibody that attacks the toxins anthrax bacteria spew out.
Authorities want to preserve as much of the anthrax spores as possible for their research.
Later that year, he led breaking news reporting on a series of anthrax attacks.
Whoever was behind the anthrax letters has not struck again since late last year.
His company is a weird amalgam of fat substitute, anthrax detectors and online mattress sales.
Ostroff said he was aware of no New York postal workers reporting anthrax symptoms.
CNN: Postal Service to offer Cipro to Manhattan postal workers
For example, it is likely that Florida is better prepared for hurricanes than anthrax attacks.
Dealing with an anthrax outbreak is a matter of health policy and infrastructure, not science.
Two other employees are being treated for inhalation anthrax, the most dangerous form of the illness.
Diseases that can be detected by direct sequencing include cholera, tuberculosis, HIV, typhoid, flu and anthrax.
"We don't have a lot of time with inhalation anthrax, " warned Surgeon General David Satcher.
The front line in the war against anthrax bioterrorism may be in San Diego.
Meanwhile, more than 30 people in the U.S. Capitol have tested positive for anthrax exposure.
To equal one kilogramme of anthrax, four metric tons of ricin would be needed.
Medical experts point out that ricin is nowhere near as powerful a killer as anthrax.
Untreated skin anthrax has a fatality, untreated, of about 20%, but treated, it's less than 1%.
There are other antibiotics that can treat anthrax, but Cipro has become the drug of choice.
The nature of an anthrax infection differs greatly depending on how the bacteria enters the body.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) does not recommend that children be vaccinated against anthrax.
Ultraviolet light could kill anthrax on the surface of items, but not inside envelopes or packages.
Hijackings and Anthrax could be just a warm-up to a very different kind of terrorism.
Anthrax is an infectious, potentially fatal disease caused by a spore-forming bacterium known as Bacillus anthracis.
Dr Henderson says that two familiar microbes, smallpox and anthrax, are the most formidable threats.
ECONOMIST: Biowarfare could be the worst terrorist threat of all
The buildings were shut down after anthrax spores were found, mostly around mailrooms, in October.