Surprisingly, the child had no detectable circulating virus, no detectable anti-HIV antibodies, and was clinically healthy.
He added the development was a "testament" to the success of the anti-HIV drugs.
Desperate to turn the tide, public health leaders came up with a new anti-HIV campaign: NASHI, for the National Adolescent Sexual Health Initiative.
Encouragingly, in these children long-term control of HIV replication following early antiretroviral treatment has resulted in extremely low levels of virus and diminished anti-HIV immune responses.
In dozens of drugs in the United States including anti-HIV medicines, cholesterol-lowering agents, and anti-arthritis medications dangerous substances have been substituted for the active ingredient.
He added that the study showed the impact of the combined HIV strategy of promoting condoms, increasing regular HIV testing and encouraging the earlier use of anti-HIV drug therapy.
Scaling access to medical care in an ethical and responsible way without losing focus on human rights and other pivotal strategies will be the basis for a successful and comprehensive anti-HIV approach moving forward.
The Cape Times said a group of health professionals would present a petition to the Department of Health demanding anti-retroviral treatment for HIV-positive pregnant women, which they say could save the lives of 100 children daily.
Crystal's nervousness is understandable - though doctors say that if HIV-positive women take anti-retroviral drugs during their pregnancy and avoid breast-feeding, the chance of their baby carrying the virus is tiny.
They also alleged that his refusal to provide HIV-positive pregnant women with access to anti-retroviral drugs caused 35, 000 babies to be born with HIV.
After the 2009 study, other published studies showed that some anti-retrovirals approved for use in HIV might also be effective against XMRV.
Results of a study released last month, showed life expectancy of those with HIV who are on anti-retroviral treatment, has improved.
In the meantime, DuPont AIDS drug Sustiva fits in with Bristol's two HIV treatments, and DuPont anti-coagulant Coumadin meshes with Bristol's existing heart drugs, even though no patent protects it.
On the AIDS day issue, did this White House look at any chance, any ways of working with HHS in trying to push more anti-retrovirals out for more AIDS patients and HIV patients?
Thanks to anti-AIDS drugs, Handumbo gave birth to a healthy, HIV-negative baby.
But virtually all anti-retroviral drugs come from abroad at present and many people with HIV fear they'll be left without the life-saving medication.
An example is the pool established by the international partnership Unitaid to provide HIV patients in developing countries with access to affordable anti-retroviral drugs.
ViroLogic (nasdaq: VLGC - news - people ) was also able to determine which anti-retroviral drug would be effective on the patient's particular strain of HIV.
Dr Gazi believes there is a strong argument for the provision of anti-retroviral drugs because of the impact they would have in cutting the transmission of HIV from pregnant mothers to their unborn babies.
Usually, these infants would get anti-viral drugs at preventative doses for six weeks to prevent infection, then start therapy if HIV is diagnosed.
Only with the election of Jacob Zuma , who has himself been publicly tested for HIV (he did not have it), did South Africa return to sensible anti-AIDS policies.
Anti-retrovirals, or ARVs, as the drugs used to treat AIDS are known, work by stopping HIV from breeding.
The narcotics industry provides funding and support for anti-government elements and contributes to a public health crisis as evidenced by alarming rates of drug addiction, HIV, and hepatitis.
There has also been a spiralling demand for anti-retorivirals - as more people receive these potentially life-saving drugs, more and more are coming forward for HIV testing.