The British National Party has distanced itself from the EDL, but anti-racism campaigners have named party activists they have photographed at demonstrations.
Anti-racism group SOS Racisme said it was illegal because French law did not allow the compilation of personal data without the individual's consent.
Asad Rehman of the Newham Monitoring Project, an anti-racism organisation that represented the brothers, said the IPCC's report was a massive opportunity missed.
She added that the Equality Commission had recently developed anti-racism strategies in partnership with the departments of education and health in Northern Ireland.
Boateng's actions drew a mixed response but it undoubtedly highlighted the issue and now he is hoping to assist FIFA in their anti-racism work.
CNN: Blatter to enlist Boateng in FIFA's fight against racism
Mr Grebby said the charity had a "long-standing working relationship with Rangers" and the club was "an excellent supporter" of the charity's anti-racism and anti-sectarianism campaigns.
The policy of deportations has drawn fierce criticism from human rights and anti-racism groups, while the EU says it is reviewing the legality of the move.
Anti-racism groups are concerned that unless education programs are introduced in schools, sport and the workplace, current insensitive attitudes to race could contribute to serious social problems.
Unite Against Fascism said it would be holding an anti-racism demonstration to coincide with the EDL rally, and the anti-extremist group Hope Not Hate is urging the home secretary to act.
Earlier this month, a number of black players refused to wear T-shirts promoting an anti-racism campaign in protest at a perceived lack of action about the problem from the game's leading bodies.
He was born in east London to a Turkish Cypriot mother and an Antiguan father and has been involved in anti-racism campaigns, acting as an ambassador for the group Kick It Out.
More recently he had been attempting, along with African climbing guide friend Samuel Kinsonga, to break the record for the fastest ascent of Kilimanjaro, as part of their anti-racism Black and White Makes Sense Campaign.
It said it also gave on-going support to the Kick Racism Out of Football Campaign, "where as a club our players have worn the anti-racism T-shirts on at least three occasions this season, including on Saturday".
The newly-created FIFA anti-racism task force met for the first time earlier this month and proposed placing officials at matches in order to "identify potential acts of discrimination", a suggestion that will be voted on by FIFA's members later this month.
"Clearly some supporters feel aggrieved that a song they believe to be no more than a tit-for-tat 'wind up' of Celtic supporters should be singled out in this way and merit the attention of police, governments and anti-racism organisations, " said Bain.
In 1938, as he was growing even more concerned over what was happening in Germany and the rest of Europe, Pius XI asked an American Jesuit who was known for his anti-racist views to prepare a draft encyclical directly condemning racism and anti-racism and anti-Semitism.
Sunil Patel, campaigns manager for Show Racism the Red Card in Wales, who provide anti-racism education and awareness training, said the organisation would be launching a campaign later this year to encourage players to report incidents of racism, in the hope of obtaining a clearer picture of the extent of the problem.
To her credit, Ms Lee does not pass lightly over Wharton's racism, anti-Semitism and anti-feminism, all three prejudices that place her squarely in the company of those she satirised.
"The members of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee were unanimous in condemning an abhorrent episode of racism, anti-Semitism, and of political provocative and aggressive nature perpetrated by supporters of the Hungarian national team, " FIFA said.
Thus, it is our firm belief that the only way to combat the social ills of racism, anti-Semitism and intolerance is improved knowledge, attitudes and skills, so that in all parts of our lives we reject violence, protect the vulnerable and live by the values of tolerance, respect for human rights, human dignity and equitable life choices.
But we will continue to see coaches in "kick racism out of football" badges, players in message T-shirts and poets reading anti-racist poetry before kick-off.
Powar said the abuse aired by Hungary fans during their friendly with Israel was "really horrible anti-Semitic stuff" and that he hoped FIFA would continue in a similar fashion if and when future racism incidents occur.
And when Douglass - in Douglas' day, most whites believed in theory that blacks were subhuman, yet they'd experienced Douglas' magic, his artistry, and they'd essentially shed their racism to the degree that they'd be converted to his cause of abolitionism or anti-slavery, and there are countless examples of that happening.