As a result of the exercise customs officers from the regional strike force and local anti-smuggling staff, netted 157, 000 cigarettes including 117, 000 from the Alicante flight.
The anti-cigarette smuggling bill Mr. Weiner sponsored was aimed at preventing online cigarette vendors from selling to people who weren't paying local taxes or were underage.
Oil prices are down, and America's anti-terrorist campaign has raised the heat on smuggling and money laundering, lucrative staples of Dubai's free-wheeling economy.
Gen Aristides said recently he believed smuggling had surged since the US limited anti-drugs co-operation with Honduras in protest at the ousting of President Zelaya in June.
Chumlong Lemtongthai is believed to be the kingpin of an international rhino horn smuggling ring and is the most prominent smuggler to be convicted since South Africa intensified anti-poaching measures in recent years.