• Soon, police turned on protesters and the nation was engulfed in a huge anti-war movement.

    CNN: Commentary: Separating the war from the warriors

  • The Californian has been camped outside Mr Bush's property since Saturday and has become a symbol for the US anti-war movement.

    BBC: NEWS | Americas | Bush rejects mother's Iraq plea

  • It was far short of what the anti-war movement wanted, but it keeps Mr Bush on a shorter leash than he would like.

    ECONOMIST: The Democrats

  • Then you have the German immigrants who become targets of the Prohibition war because that links arms with the anti-war movement in the teens.

    FORBES: Remembering The Norton Grape

  • And yet, because he was doing so to advance the cause of the anti-war movement, groups like the ACLU worked to discredit his prosecution.


  • In the US, the anti-war movement probably would have failed in its mission of transferring South Vietnam to Communist control if The New York Times and CBS News hadn't supported their efforts.


  • John Filo was a senior photography student at Kent State when he snapped the photo that became a symbol of the shootings on campus and helped propel the anti-war movement at the time.

    CNN: Neda: Latest iconic image to inspire

  • It would be a good thing if some judge would require clueless aging celebrities like Jane Fonda and wannabes like Cindy Sheehan to see "Obsession" now that they are behind the wheel of a nascent anti-war movement.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Driving While Defeatist

  • Together with other senior Clinton administration figures such as Strobe Talbott, John Shattuck, Sam Brown and of course Bill Clinton, himself who were prominent fixtures in the anti-war movement, those who have "learned nothing and forgotten nothing" from the Vietnam war are set to repeat the earlier mistake.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: ��Cry, the abandoned country����

  • Together with other senior Clinton administration figures -- such as Strobe Talbott, John Shattuck, Sam Brown and of course Bill Clinton, himself -- who were prominent fixtures in the anti-war movement, those who have "learned nothing and forgotten nothing" from the Vietnam war are set to repeat the earlier mistake.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 'Cry, the abandoned country...'

  • The anti-Iraq-war movement is tugging the party towards something that can look like anti-Americanism.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Because the riots broke out in the late 1960s after the successes of the US anti-Vietnam War movement and the black civil rights movement, the organizations that emerged immediately after Stonewall were cast in a New Left mould, which also meant a militant consciousness.

    BBC: 'Stonewall gave me new gay role models'

  • But starting sometime around 1965, the blacks began the process of expelling the Jews from the Civil Rights movement, as they embraced anti-Semitism and the Arab war for the destruction of Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Martin Peretz, an appreciation

  • Dantewada has become the main focus of the war with the Naxalites, following the emergence in the district, a year ago, of an anti-Maoist movement, known as Salwa Judum.

    ECONOMIST: India's deadly Maoists | The

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