An antiseptic costing 25 cents could prevent deadly infections starting in the umbilical cord.
Your dentist may also recommend using an antiseptic mouth rinse to help clear away bacteria.
Railroad workers have an antiseptic -- but descriptive -- word for what happened next: Telescoping.
She said the high essential oil content of camomile also made it a good antiseptic.
To me scientist does conjure up an image of fully antiseptic lab environment, white lab coats and pipettes.
Still, HCA tries to be so antiseptic that it now scripts how billing specialists, known as coders, question doctors.
Clostridia kill bacteria competing for their niches with chemicals called phenols (carbolic acid, the first antiseptic, is one such).
The coarse, almost particulate sun was showering in through the window, filling the small antiseptic space with a false radiance.
Who, they thought, would begrudge giving up a lifetime on the factory floor for a lifetime in a clean, antiseptic office?
In 1867, Joseph Lister performed the first surgical operation under antiseptic conditions on his sister Isabella, at Glasgow's Royal Infirmary in Scotland.
Last year, a U.S. firm was granted a patent for a traditional Indian home remedy - the use of turmeric as an antiseptic.
"Some of the antiseptic we have to apply may sting, but I can tell you it will lead to a healthier EDS, " he wrote in early February.
Using an antiseptic mouth rinse, if recommended by your dentist.
One of the things commonly used is a water-filled antiseptic gel wrapped around the burn which not only cools down the injury fast but helps prevent the infections which are the biggest killer of burns patients.
Earlier this year Pfizer executives were alerted to a batch of fake Lipitor when five patients saw their cholesterol skyrocket and to a counterfeit of the glaucoma drug Xalatan that contained mainly the antiseptic boric acid.
Director Scott Hicks ("Shine") bathes the whole show in an amber halo that makes the Deep South look like an antiseptic shampoo commercial and shies away from anything that might be dramatically sticky, complex or even halfway interesting.
When both were younger and growing up in the same household, the dentist would prescribe special toothpaste with antiseptic and aromatic qualities, in addition to a medicinal mouthwash, and a very soft toothbrush with which he was to clean his teeth.
It is true that this sixth film marks an improvement upon the last two efforts, whose combined soullessness was enough to induce paralysis, but Lucas remains wedded to a hollow, antiseptic vision of other worlds, coupled with a determination to draw the glummest possible performance from otherwise talented actors.