Walk into any gold shop, at any time of the year, and you are bound to find customers choosing a gold bracelet or biscuit.
"Flooding, snow, high winds, avalanche risk, slips and rock falls can all occur at any time of the year, " says Christine Officer, program manager at the DOC office in Te Anau (a two-hour bus ride from Queenstown), which manages the Milford Track.
"I do not want officers knocking on doors at any time of the year, but especially over Christmas and the New Year to tell families that a loved one has been killed on the roads, because someone has decided to drive after drinking, " he said.
"He should have made a decision at half-time or let the game finish as the light was never going to get any better at this time of the year, " said Kirk.
While the mountain can be climbed any time of year, the best season to go is between March and May, when the volatile weather is less severe.
You can make your deposits monthly over the course of the year or fund it in arrears at any time up to Apr. 15 of the following year.
He can choose the date of the national poll for any time within the next year.
The small-ish park is cinematically lovely any time of year, especially since playgrounds were added and the fountain was moved five years ago to be aligned just so with the arch.
Of course, ending a marriage is one of the largest concerns a person can have at any time of year.
FORBES: Five Best Financial Tips for Women Divorcing in 2013
Otherwise, any time of year, hikers can start the two-hour climb from the base of the mountain to the summit in the village of Murrisk, next to the visitor centre Teach na Miasa.
At the time of his first arrest, 67-year old Mr Travis denied any wrongdoing and stressed that the allegations against him had nothing to do with children.
It is the sharpest contraction since the beginning of 2009 and marks the first time the region failed to grow in any quarter during a calendar year.
It turns out that essentially two factors contribute to the amount of time a given physician spends with open or pending claims: the likelihood of a claim in any given year, and the overall length of the legal process.
"It's what retailers do at this time of year, and any other interpretation is just the usual media speculation, " said an HMV spokesman.
We view the ability to eat any food at any time of year, irrespective of its natural season, almost as a birthright.
"She has been missing now for over two days and it's not like her to not come home or contact any of us for such a long time, " the 26-year-old quantity surveyor said.
More than a third of the shares in the Russell 2000 have not beaten their 1997 high at any time this year.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more people move in the summer months (June, July, and August) than any other time of year.
Data from life insurance companies suggests that in the fifth and sixth decades of life you are less likely to die over the coming year than at any other time in your life.
Last year we sold more motor cars from this country than at any time in the history of this country.
"For any given flight, the actual best time to buy might vary, depending on the market, the time of year, the day of week and other factors, " Mr. Klees says.
But looking ahead, Mr Clare said it was too early to draw any firm conclusions for the year ahead as the first quarter of the financial year was a traditionally quiet time for the group.
"Any time it's a contract year, there's a heightened sense of doom and gloom just because what the company's going to come for, " he said.
Because the case dates to July 2006, the statute of limitations will expire this year, meaning there is a good chance none of the defendants will serve any prison time.
Also, because the case dates to July 2006, the statute of limitations will expire this year, meaning there is a good chance none of the defendants will serve any prison time.
Google says it's still putting the appropriate APIs together and cleaning up the platform requirements so that app developers will have an easier time of things, but don't expect to see any apps on Google TV until early next year at the soonest.
For those who operate according to the calendar year, that means its time for an end-of-quarter checkup for any strategic plans.