"We have not won anything yet but we hope we can win the league next week, " added Ferguson.
For its part, Sony isn't saying anything just yet, but we'll update if we hear more.
Amazon.com doesn't have anything formal yet, but it recently bought large stakes in Pets.com and Drugstore.com, the first of no doubt many e-commerce investments.
The win was only the Blues' second in 10 league games and although the performance was anything but perfect it may yet prove a crucial turning point in a season which was fast descending into meltdown.
BBC: Does victory over Blackburn indicate a Chelsea revival?
Sadly, the Voyager Pro UC won't actually be out until early next year and we don't know anything on pricing yet, but in the meantime check out some more pics of the device below.
Sure, there are a number of mobile video-sharing apps out there, but none have yet reached anything resembling Instagram-like levels of ubiquity.
Huang Haibo, an executive at China Mobile, stressed the two companies have so far only made preliminary contact, without anything set in stone, yet, but noted they hope to bring the iPhone to China.
We did play very well today and I am very happy but we haven't won anything yet.
We are very close to winning but we haven't won anything yet.
BBC: Fuming O'Neill blasts John Terry tackle on James Milner
Farther down are two links that let you toggle between books you've downloaded and titles stored in the cloud, a pretty great addition that makes it much easier to access anything you've purchased but haven't yet downloaded to your new reader.
But it has not yet engaged in anything akin to the radical self-flagellation that goes on daily at Patagonia.
WSJ: Patagonia's Founder is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru
Whatever the reason, Julien, who has wormed his way into the family, claims that Cobain's sister and mother (who has yet to sell anything) are anything but mercenaries.
Travellers can find an app for nearly anything they want, but sadly there isn't yet an app to extend the chronically dwindling battery life of a smart phone, which always tends to die at the most inconvenient moment.
The sector is heavily dependent on costly imports of the raw materials used in producing fertilizer, and Lula wanted to cut farmers costs, and thus allow for space to reduce subsidies, by getting Vale to dig and produce potassium at sites it has leased from the government, but has not yet produced much of anything.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu was made an honorary member of FC Twente last year, but the Dutch team has yet to win anything either.
But still I have hesitated and have yet to reserve anything for London.
FORBES: AIRBNB and The Internet Trust Issue: Who Can You Trust Online?
Part of the optimism is due to a rumored private equity buyout, but those rumors have failed to materialize into anything concrete as of yet.
UKIP's vote across the country has been growing but the anti-EU party has yet to win anything in Yorkshire since its seat in the European Parliament in 2009.
Mr Brown is not yet a lame duck, but his hopes of leading anything more than a tail-end government look increasingly forlorn.
Yet so much of Goethe's other work is anything but typisch deutsch.
Yet their work, technical as it appears, is anything but prosaic.
ECONOMIST: The Fastnet Lighthouse: Light on a lonely rock | The
Yet, at least in high election season, pols are being anything but.
An initial investigation concluded there was no manipulation, but the agency opened another probe in September 2008, although it has yet to announce anything.
FORBES: FOCUS: News Of Possible Probe Of London Fixings Raises Eyebrows In Gold Market
Yet the question of when obnoxious speech becomes hate, and when hate begets violence, is anything but clear.
Yet here I am, still in bed, bemoaning my fate, but too weak to do anything.