Apart from anything else, any substantial change would have to be ratified by Congress.
Apart from anything else, it was notoriously difficult ever to find a book there.
Apart from anything else, it reduces the need to provide supplies by air, which is far more costly.
Apart from anything else, it is not clear that yet more monetary stimulus would have created many new jobs.
She laughs at the idea that inspectors are aloof figures - apart from anything else she is a parent herself.
For quite apart from anything else, solving this one cheaply leaves more resources to go on and solve other ones.
FORBES: China Discusses A Nordhaus Carbon Tax Not A Stern One
Apart from anything else, it forces America to rely on the huge inflows of foreign capital needed to finance it.
Apart from anything else, it's a sobering read for journalists caught up in the daily frenzy of the campaign trail.
Apart from anything else, it is hard to find anyone who would knock Jain's track record through the global banking crisis and beyond.
Apart from anything else, in other eurozone countries where banks are weak, it licenses runs on those banks, as and when a bailout looms.
Apart from anything else, he knows that the longer he dithers, the bigger the impact could become on Australia's economy from East Asia's financial turmoil.
Apart from anything else, it is the best way of countering the charge that the House of Commons is merely a toothless adjunct of an all-powerful executive.
Apart from anything else, News Corporation - the parent company of News International - continues to own 39% of BSkyB and Mr Murdoch will remain on BSkyB's board as a non-executive director.
Pilot Air Freight, the company which carried the unusual cargo, pointed out that, apart from anything else, Mr McKinley had narrowly escaped death by having the good fortune to fly in pressurised, heated cabins.
Apart from anything else, Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal both highlighted the big credit-derivative positions being taken by JPMorgan in London a few weeks ago, and the bank rejected the suggestion that there were serious dangers here.
Apart from anything else, if the Fed's and the Bank of England's policies of keeping money cheaper than it has ever been hasn't returned the US and UK to better-than-anaemic growth in the past three years, it is questionable whether it will be a sufficient condition for proper recovery in the next two years.