Scrubbing the floor is no aphrodisiac, and seeing your spouse doing it usually isn't either.
Like other mysteriously alluring substances, chocolate has from time to time been regarded as an aphrodisiac.
Claimed to be an aphrodisiac, it can be worth more than its weight in gold.
And if all that is not enough, remember that the Aztecs thought the avocado was an aphrodisiac.
He touts the animal's supposed aphrodisiac qualities to potential buyers, he says.
WSJ: To Battle Iguanas, Puerto Rico Has New Plan: Put Them on Menu
Steen's "Oyster Eater" of around the same time is clearly trying to seduce the viewer, as she steals, salts and offers the aphrodisiac bivalve.
Long prized in South-East Asia for its supposed medicinal and aphrodisiac vim, rhino horn is now being peddled as a cure for cancer too.
At the time, Dali called his creation of a painted plaster lobster attached to the receiver the Aphrodisiac Telephone, presumably just to mess with people.
Henry Kissinger may have thought that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
The insects are revered in the region for their nutritional value and reputedly aphrodisiac qualities, and have for centuries been roasted as a snack or accompaniment to a meal.
This unusual medicine, consisting of the remains of a caterpillar from which a thin fungus of similar length has sprouted, is said to be a powerful aphrodisiac and antidote to fatigue.
Although leatherbacks have not traditionally been prized for their meat, their eggs have been highly sought in various parts of the world as a protein source, an aphrodisiac or for use in traditional medicines.
The animals were hunted to satisfy the demand for horn, which was used to fashion handles for ceremonial Yemeni daggers and as an ingredient to reduce fever in oriental medicine (not as an aphrodisiac, despite popular belief).
In the 19th century, the rakehell Marquis de Nerthe, who owned vines here, raised the profile of the local wines by promoting them as an aphrodisiac, a claim which may have merit given their relatively high alcohol.
WSJ: For Winter, a Robust Wine That's Full of Summer | On Wine by Jay McInerney