Three judges, who sat in the Court of Appeal until 2100 BST on Thursday, have reserved their judgement in an appeal against a decision to allow the march.
He said he was particularly concerned about the impact on disabled people making their initial appeal against a decision by the Department for Work and Pensions on their benefit entitlement.
The airport owners' appeal against a government decision blocking their bid for a terminal will now be heard from 21 July instead of in early October.
Mr Russell was urged by the Home Secretary Jack Straw to appeal against the decision and a national tabloid newspaper also took up the campaign.
They could appeal to the High Court against the tribunal's decision, which was itself the result of an appeal against a ruling by the Information Commissioner.
And if any candidate should appeal against the Guardians' verdict, a decision will not be rendered until after the election.
Mr Andrew, the MP for Pudsey, is urging NHS England to drop its appeal against a High Court ruling that its decision to cut the number of specialist centres was "legally flawed".
Samsung promised to appeal against the decision describing it as "a loss for the American consumer".
To answer the concerns of England's Lord Chief Justice, Mr Straw has had to agree to allow those denied a jury trial to appeal against the decision.
"It was a decision which had a major impact on the game and Celtic will now appeal against the red card, which saw Tony Mowbray's side down to 10 men for the last half-hour of the game, " it stated.
Lawyers for the two men have said they will appeal against the decision at the court of cassation in a final effort to have the sentences reduced.
An appeal against the decision taken in 2010 will be heard by a planning inspector in July.
He is awaiting an appeal against a judge who upheld the UK Border Agency's decision that he does not need the UK's protection.
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However the Spanish club have lodged an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport against UEFA's decision with a hearing set for May 14 and decision expected sometime in June.
Sting and his wife have lodged an appeal against the tribunal's ruling that they unlawfully made Ms Martin redundant, a decision which they have described as "unjust and unfair".
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Hampshire | Sting chef 'feared losing baby'
Simply to delay paying their bills, these public bodies often irresponsibly appeal against every decision all the way to the top, even though earlier appeals of a similar nature have consistently been rejected.
Ms Haywood, a nurse for more than 20 years, has 28 days to take an appeal against the decision to the High Court.
It paid the fine promptly to receive a 20% discount but said it would appeal against The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) decision.
BBC: Scottish Borders Council dumped data case goes to hearing
After a court hearing in the capital Tashkent, the Russian mobile phone company MTS said it would appeal against the decision.