Outside court his father, Kevin McCarney, said they would appeal against the conviction.
The three men - Mohammad Afzal, Shaukat Hussain and SAR Geelani are due to appeal against the conviction in a higher court.
One of the two men jailed for life for the racist murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence has dropped his appeal against the conviction.
Taylor has a right to appeal against the conviction.
BBC: Charles Taylor guilty of aiding Sierra Leone war crimes
Following her conviction, Ms Hainey's legal team launched an appeal against her conviction on the grounds that crucial evidence against her was flawed.
She said he was "shocked" at the failure of the 2008 appeal against his conviction and had been upset that regular visits from a prison pastor had been stopped.
Footballer Ched Evans has lost the right to appeal against his conviction for rape.
The court is also hearing Knox's appeal against a slander conviction for having accused a local pub owner of carrying out the killing.
Christmas's appeal against his conviction will be heard by the island's Court of Appeal next week.
In November Sgt Danny Nightingale, from Crewe, won an appeal against his 18-month sentence, and last month the Court of Appeal quashed his conviction.
BBC: SAS sniper Danny Nightingale fundraising campaign begins
His application for leave to appeal against his conviction has now been dismissed by the Court of Appeal.
Earlier this month he lost the first stage of his appeal against conviction.
Ukraine's high court has rejected the appeal by jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko against her conviction for abuse of office.
Both it and his appeal against a tax fraud conviction have been delayed until after the Court of Cassation in Rome decides on whether to allow them to be transferred from the northern city of Brescia to Milan.
Dizaei's spokesman said he had "been down this road before where he was prematurely dismissed from the force in 2010 when there was a live appeal against his conviction".
It will soon be used again, in the appeal by Jimmy Ray Slaughter, from Oklahoma, against his conviction for murdering his ex-girlfriend, Melody Wuertz, and their 11-month-old daughter, Jessica, in 1991.
It is possible the case would be combined with Knox's own appeal against her conviction for slander, Mignini added.
Support for the charismatic Mr Erdogan, whether or not he wins his appeal against conviction, should win them more.
His lawyers said he had applied to the High Court in Edinburgh two days ago to abandon his appeal against conviction.
In November 2008, the Court of Appeal rejected an application by Park for leave to appeal against his conviction.
Megrahi dropped his appeal against his conviction shortly before being freed from a Scottish prison in August 2009, on the grounds that he was suffering from terminal prostate cancer and had three months to live.
Botmeh lost an appeal against his conviction in 2001, although he gained support from Gareth Peirce, solicitor for the wrongly jailed Birmingham Six, who claimed he had been the victim of a miscarriage of justice.
His lawyers have won the right for him to be in court in Salerno on 20 March to appeal against that conviction.
The Supreme Court in Dublin has reserved judgement in an appeal by Sean Quinn Jr against his conviction and imprisonment for contempt of court.
Mr McTiernan's attorney Oliver Diaz said in a statement that the movie director was a victim of "prosecutorial vindictiveness" and planned to appeal against his conviction.
The 76-year-old already faces a four-year prison sentence and five-year ban from public office for a fraud conviction, which he is expected to appeal against in Italy's highest court, the Court of Cassation.
Gray's barrister, Michael Fullerton, told the court that his client had been "overcome with a set of nerves" after his appeal against his conviction had been unsuccessful.