Frantically flapping, the birds truly appear to be struggling to stay in the air.
Understandably, they appear to be in shock and angry by the tragic, unexpected events.
But many investors appear to think that at current levels, stocks are still a buy.
After several relatively flat years, TV ratings for the Daytona 500 appear to be up.
Mr Alkatiri and Mr Gusmao appear to be working together better than some people expected.
ECONOMIST: After centuries of oppression, the birth of a nation
The Pryor and Benson cases appear to involve players feeling sacrificed something beyond their individual case.
The thing to remember about games is that they only appear to be governed by chance.
Of the patients analyzed so far, half appear to have had no contact whatsoever with poultry.
Thus, this would not appear to be a matter than can be resolved by legal action.
FORBES: Georgia Governor Refuses To Condemn Continuing Segregation In His State
Some of these funds appear to have used asset-backed securities to boost the yield.
Mine is a profession that might on the surface appear to suit the passive personality.
That arrangement would appear to place State Bank of India in a vulnerable position.
Traders appear to be adding to bullish positions on the provider of Chips Ahoy!
FORBES: Nike Bulls Earn 500% Overnight Options Gains, Tibco Bears Snap Up Protection
That would appear to be good news for both the B-2 and the GPALS programs.
Several of its recent releases, such as its Droid smart phone, appear to be selling briskly.
Securities that appear to pay much higher than market rates are usually too risky to hold.
In this instance, biotech execs appear to understand that product differentiation matters, especially to payers.
Whether in flight or in repose, they appear to be choreographing their own lives.
The Economist has copies of what appear to be the contracts for all three.
In the case of mobile phones, it's the police who appear to be losing.
But, at least for now, the protesters do not appear to be entirely mollified.
FORBES: Rabat In A Hard Place: Exclusive Interview with Morocco's Foreign Minister
As it turns out, Uganda does appear to be quelling the killing, at least in Bunia.
"They have had less bleeding and appear to have a quicker recovery time, " says Levine.
By saying you'd have a verbal response, you appear to be ruling out a military one.
They now appear to be at 96% of the peak they reached 27 months ago.
BBC: Lloyds TSB reports uncertainty in Scottish house market
Groupon doesn't appear to be greatly concerned, insisting the laws don't apply to its business.
Ergo, the company would appear to be blaming this on something that involves Apple.
FORBES: TriQuint Down As Q2 Guidance Misses; An Apple Issue?
The boundaries between the two appear to be blurring, making issues of attribution increasingly complex.
FORBES: Blurring the Boundaries Between Cybercrime And Politically Motivated Attacks
Given drama in Greece and now Italy, things in the global economy appear to be intensifying.
FORBES: Market Madness, Rampant Irrationality, & Animal Spirits: What Are Investors To Do?
Still, people living in the area appear to be growing increasingly apprehensive as the storm approaches.