And they applaud the government's decision to offer cash sweeteners to people near shale gas facilities.
For what it is worth, I applaud the game the players gave us on Sunday.
And hearing an audience applaud, of course, is a great thrill and morale booster.
He growls, he snarls, he makes a mess and still they smile benignly and applaud.
The world's best pork is finally getting a stateside debut we can applaud unreservedly.
WSJ: Debut: Jam��n It Up, Legitimately: Get Iberian Ham in the U.S.
So I applaud Judge Rakoff for raising the issue of shadowy, no-fault securities settlements.
FORBES: Judge Rakoff Indicts No-Fault Securities Settlement Syndrome
Put-upon frequent-flying business travelers can only applaud a lawsuit recently filed by Continental Chief Gordon Bethune.
They hear him talk about how Americans should learn a language other English and applaud.
They think Mr Tucker encouraged Barclays to lie and they applaud him for doing so.
We applaud you for playing what's sure to be the longest-running game of 'Civ' ever.
Ponting returned to applaud his team off at the end with his little finger strapped.
"She did not back away from her opportunity, " Catoe said, as those gathered began to applaud.
He might still get it one day, but if he did, not all Norwegians would applaud.
And his supporters in the media continue to applaud his great success in foreign policy.
We applaud this renewed commitment by colleges, universities, and industry to improve undergraduate STEM education.
"The armed forces' performance has been outstanding and I applaud their commitment, courage and professionalism, " he said.
Elizabeth did a fabulous job of rebutting Pig Noer's article...and I want to applaud her for it.
Applaud her for her bravery and knowing what she wants, without letting pride get in the way.
Mr. Poehm has found a great way to get worldwide publicity, and I applaud him for that.
But while others moan from the sidelines, let's applaud their sheer optimism in giving it a go.
You don't have to applaud Mr Kasich's choice of cuts to admire his courage in declaring them.
We applaud the way she asks us to examine these intensive ideals of motherhood and their reach.
On those grounds, I applaud Syracuse and Pittsburgh for taking the initiative to approach the ACC concerning membership.
FORBES: Syracuse, Pittsburgh Conditionally Rational for Seeking ACC Shelter
November is a time to applaud all those who contribute to caregiving and the National Family Caregivers Month.
In the first half of tonight's gathering, we are instructed not to applaud or engage with our entertainer.
It was a warning, without flash cards but with recent evidence, that made delegates sit up and applaud.
No wonder Mr Berlusconi smiled broadly as he stood in Parliament on Saturday to applaud President Napolitano's re-election.
On one hand, even Bush foes must applaud the democratic breakthroughs overseas and share in the joys thereof.
Thus I applaud Fred Smith, founder, chairman and CEO of FedEx, for his recent, spirited defense of trade.
Some people applaud Chrysler for thinking outside the box, and trying to introduce style into a stodgy segment.