• Sadly for Xerox, other more nimble companies brought these great ideas to market--the Apple Macintosh, Adobe type fonts, Canon laser printers and 3Com-style local area networks, all of which would appear in the 1980s.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The first TED showcased the brand-new Apple Macintosh and strange round silver shiny discs, the first CDs.

    CNN: With TED, amazing ideas spread at speed of sound -- and light

  • Later he also said that developing software for the Apple Macintosh computer led Microsoft into graphics-intensive software, setting the stage for Microsoft applications and its breakthrough Windows 95 operating system.

    FORBES: Bill & Steve: Best Friends Forever

  • And it works with both Windows-based PCs and Apple Computer 's (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people) Macintosh.

    FORBES: Ten O'Clock Tech: Serving Up The Home

  • Wozniak said that Apple's market-changing products - from the Macintosh computers, through to the iPod, iPhone and iPad - were down to Jobs' instinctive feel for what people wanted from technology.

    BBC: Apple plans private commemoration event for employees

  • Wozniak is a consultant on that movie, which will play out in three extended scenes, shot in real time, that depict Jobs at three product rollouts: the Macintosh, Jobs' non-Apple product NeXT, and the iPod.

    CNN: Wozniak: Facts in Steve Jobs movie look 'atrocious'

  • Mr Jobs co-founded Apple in the 1970s with Steve Wozniak, and its Macintosh computers became hugely popular in the 1980s.

    BBC: Apple shares fall as Jobs quits

  • "And fortunately this isn't one of them, " quipped Jobs, addressing a crowd of European Macintosh-faithful on the first day of the Apple Expo trade show held annually in Paris.

    CNN: Apple tries to get G4 export ban lifted

  • Canon touts both the favor its video recorders have found with Apple Computer (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) Macintosh users and its strategic partnerships with Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ).

    FORBES: Canon's Tiny Camcorder

  • She's a dedicated Apple Computer aapl (nasdaq: aapl - news - people) Macintosh user who just bought her first handheld, a Handspring hand (nasdaq: hand - news - people) Visor.

    FORBES: The Lawyer Hackers Call

  • The dual-core Power6 chip boasts a top speed of 4.7 gigahertz, double that of IBM's previous Power5 and represents a next generation processor to the PowerPC, the chip that was previously used in Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people )'s Macintosh computers.

    FORBES: IBM Launches Faster, Cheaper Chip

  • When sharing broadband, it supports both PCs and Apple Computer 's (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people) Macintosh.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It will not support Apple Computer 's (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) Macintosh computers, at least not at first.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Could these be combined to bring us closer to the kind of natural, predictive experience of Apple's nearly decade-old Knowledge Navigator video than its 22 year-old Macintosh?

    ENGADGET: Switched On: Pondering PC 3.0

  • The other thing we have to ding Tapwave on is lack of support for Apple Computer 's (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) Macintosh line.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It will also work with most of Apple Computer 's (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people) Macintosh computers, as long as they're running a version of the operating system that is 8.0 or higher, but not the upcoming Mac OS X, at least not yet.

    FORBES: Ten O'Clock Tech: Data Plumbing For The Home

  • Strong sales of Macintosh computers sent Apple's quarterly earnings up 26.1% over the year-ago period, Apple reported Tuesday.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • And, two decades ago, that was certainly the case when Apple paired up a quirky all-in-one computer with a breakthrough graphical user interface for the original Macintosh computer, introduced in 1984.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • For Apple, the move into smartphones was the next step in its shift to consumer-electronics juggernaut from maker of Macintosh computers.

    FORBES: AT&T's Big Call: Randall Stephenson On The iPhone, His Wireless Ambitions, And The Next Big Thing

  • They took the VCs' money and ran: The graphical user interface went to Apple and appeared in the Lisa and the Macintosh, ethernet went to the startup 3Com, and the digital-printing language was snapped up by Adobe Systems.

    FORBES: Sudden death for brands

  • The service is as yet only available to users of Apple's Macintosh computers, but should debut for users of Microsoft 's (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Windows platform before the end of the year.

    FORBES: Two Apples Heading Back To Court

  • Inside the store, Apple employees put an iPa- shaped display in the store window, as others helped customers who came to shop for Macintosh computers and iPod music players.

    FORBES: New iPads Roll Into Apple Stores

  • Despite these successes, three decades after its founding and 22 years after it introduced the Macintosh, Apple remains the underdog in a personal computer world dominated by Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ).

    FORBES: 20 Great Moments In Apple History

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