On the other hand, this is why the Apple Watch and the Google Glass make sense.
The clues, and resulting flurry of speculation, are planting the seeds of an Apple watch in consumers' minds.
An Apple watch could leap frog the current crop of smart watches by creating a platform, not another accessory.
An Apple watch could work with an ecosystem of third-party wearable sensors and products that tie into one powerful, small hub.
If executed correctly, an Apple watch could spawn a lucrative industry of compatible products, like it did with the iOS App Store and mobile applications.
But Apple prides itself on knowing what the people want before they do, and an Apple watch would be way more than just a fancy timepiece.
Pundits have been critical of an Apple watch before it has been announced, but this type of introduction is exactly what Apple needs to do more of, and now.
In reality, no one has ever been able to drop an anti-apple and watch it fall down (or up), and the antimatter produced in particle colliders is so energetic that it is hard to examine with the tools of precision physics.
ECONOMIST: Antihydrogen atoms are captured for the first time
It will be interesting to watch how Apple, and the many other companies entering the next-generation TV space, deal with this reality.
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Without Jobs at the helm, Apple has continued to watch as services like Spotify and Rdio have gobbled up more and more listeners.
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Apple investors will certainly watch the market opening tomorrow.
As for the watch that Apple is rumored to be designing, it would make a lot more sense for the Mac maker to produce a truly unique and wearable computer than an actual watch.
Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster notes in a research report this morning that there has been recent speculation from some tech blogs that Apple could launch a watch as a companion device to the iPhone.
FORBES: Apple: Will Wearable Computers Some Day Replace The iPhone?
If Apple felt that it was behind Samsung in introducing a watch like device, the leaks from Apple were simply designed to preempt any momentum that Samsung may gain.
There is widespread speculation that Apple will introduce its own watch this year.
Over the longer term, however, the key to understanding Apple is simple: watch the software.
FORBES: Software, Not iPods, Might Be Most Important Apple Story Wednesday
The other theory is that Apple found out about a watch-like product that Samsung is working on.
It seems like only yesterday the whole world was focused on the possibility that Apple might be developing a watch.
He could have retired after getting forced out in 1985, content to watch Sculley turn Apple into the next Pepsi.
Some of the same conditions exist today for Apple, so investors should watch market share and any pricing cuts very closely.
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By learning from the watch industry, Apple can create an iWatch that is extremely durable, and also much more visually appealing.
Not all published patents lead to actual products, but Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times have all published reports this month saying sources had confirmed Apple was experimenting with a watch-like device.
Both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are reporting that Apple is working on a watch-like device. iWatch has been in the rumor mill for a long time, but now the rumor has gained more credibility being spread by these august outlets.
Customers can watch live TV on Apple iOS devices, Roku boxes, and soon Android-powered devices.
It appears Apple is abandoning the traditional style watch in favor of a bracelet.
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According to the Journal, the firms to watch are Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon.
As more people watch television online, Apple will be in a strong position to manage that viewing.
There has been no shortage of Internet chatter over a potential watch design f rom Apple dubbed the iWatch.
It is quite possible that Apple will do it again with a watch.