No one strayed appreciably from the fine art of frequent, message-inspired applause and standing ovations.
Burnett says the health service will fund expensive drugs that appreciably increase a patient's survival rate.
Moreover, the situation will appreciably worsen as more and more smaller aircraft hit our airspace.
European markets responded positively to the news Friday morning and the euro currency strengthened appreciably.
Europe's economic performance over the past decade has not been appreciably worse than America's, for example.
Performance is appreciably quick and pages loaded up in the browser in just about 30 seconds time.
ENGADGET: Sony Xperia sola: a pint-sized Android handset with floating touch (hands-on)
Neither calculation would be appreciably influenced by U.S. restraint on the testing or fielding of nuclear arms.
If we don't do it appreciably better than the school down the street, why are we there?
In my case, because titanium does not rust or fatigue appreciably, its useful life is until I die.
The flow is still small but, as James Wilsdon points out, it has grown appreciably in the last decade.
FORBES: Globalism and Technology: A Hidden Misconception That Dooms the U.S. Economy
In other words, the carbon intensity of our economy has not appreciably improved.
FORBES: Carbon Emissions Projected to Remain Flat for Decades
But it needs to grow by at least 7% to reduce poverty appreciably.
But since then it has appreciably evolved far beyond its original air defense capabilities to now include a proven anti-missile capability.
FORBES: How The U.S. Military Can Use Sequester Cuts To Its Advantage
And with organic food costing appreciably more than ordinary products, one US cancer specialist said organic farming was a "dangerous delusion".
None of these has been appreciably affected by the Bush sanctions policy.
Where reforms did bring sustained high growth, as in Chile (from 1989 to 1997) and Mexico (between 1996 and 2000), poverty fell appreciably.
It was immediately and appreciably richer, more flavorful, denser tasting for lack of a better word, really concentrated, but also noticeably more tender.
Kerry did appreciably better than Edwards among South Carolina's nonwhite male respondents, but the North Carolina senator made up the difference among nonwhite women.
Exhaust gases from shipping already brighten clouds over various bits of the ocean, and in so doing are thought to cool the Earth appreciably.
Washington has yet to appreciably reverse unemployment and fix the housing glut, both of which increase the possibility that we may re-enter an economic recession.
What sticks in my mind, however, is that the culture of Apple, frequently described as astonishingly secretive and insular, is appreciably represented by this design.
FORBES: From Apple to Zappos, What a Headquarters Design Reveals About a Company's Culture
There are 2, 900 islanders there whose per capita income can be expected to rise appreciably, if even any substantial oil is recovered there, let alone 60 billion barrels.
It will not appreciably move the needle on student learning.
If these findings are generalizable to the US population as a whole, then the cardiovascular health of the US population may have improved appreciably over the past 6 decades.
FORBES: Autopsy Studies Find Large And Dramatic Drop In Early Atherosclerosis Over 60 Years
Although the temperature on Ascension has not changed appreciably in the past 30 years, sea-surface temperatures upwind of it jumped by more than a degree in the 1980s before levelling off.
Coincidentally, investors such as Khosla have the most comfort (and demonstrated success) in identifying promising technology entrepreneurs, but have appreciably less experience navigating the complexities of our existing healthcare ecosystem.
FORBES: Why I Disagree With Vinod Khosla About Digital Health -- And Hope He Succeeds Brilliantly
This I do know: a seemingly mundane little innovation that few people probably even notice has made my life appreciably better by keeping my coffee hot and by keeping it from spilling.
FORBES: How Starbucks Made My Friday and Taught Me About Economic Progress
Result: Carlsberg's revenue hasn't grown appreciably since 1999.