Justice Anthony Kennedy focused on what he considered the demeaning nature of the Voting Rights Act's preclearance requirement, under which some localities must get approval in advance from Washington for changes to their voting laws.
However, one of the three proposals that Apple had put up for shareholder voting required that shareholder approval be necessary to issue preferred stock in the future.
The four not-dead plaintiffs argue that there is no state-law authority for the purge and that because Texas has a history of voting-rights violations (not against the undead, but still), it was required by the federal Voting Rights Act to get pre-approval for the relevant rule change.
The IMF has won approval for the first stage of an overhaul of its voting structure that gives a slightly bigger voice to China and other emerging markets.
Two items still require legislative approval: a tax on financial transactions (on which the government hopes voting will be completed later this month), and a law to require the armed forces to pay pension contributions.