The clothing company makes a range of items from hats to aprons all featuring Bristol phrases.
But we've had to expand the size of aprons, the size of the departure lounge.
South African Ndebele art uses beads as an essential material for the adornment of aprons, clothing and textiles.
Then Mr. Workman added licensing to the mix, with mugs, pillows and aprons.
Prisoners sew cooking aprons in a jail workshop for several hours a day.
Having been given one of Housley's aprons as a gift, Derian approached her to sell her products in the shop.
From trolls with pizza aprons to songs about sauce to pizza-themed arcade games, the collection will rotate through the restaurant like an interactive art installation.
Aspiring candidates put on long white aprons, line up behind tables full of flickering Sterno, and dish out issues and arguments to fatten the voters.
As patients lose hundreds of pounds in a short period, they are often left with aprons of skin that were stretched permanently by years of weight gain.
Waitresses in starched aprons make their way around a room filled with cushioned banquettes, its white walls rising to a vaulted ceiling that cocoons customers from outside chills.
Many of the clothes, cooking aprons and even stainless steel food trays offered in the Berlin store were either designed or manufactured in jails, but not just German ones.
Stores have been filled for weeks with an array of patriotic paraphernalia, from flag-adorned teapots to aprons to picnic sets, to help hosts set the scene for what is billed as a national celebration.
In a popular series of art works, Canadian Edward Burtynsky drew attention to Dehui's vast chicken-production facilities in photographs showing thousands of poultry workers in a single room, all wearing pink overalls and blue aprons.
Mrs Walters said she did not know exactly how many women had worn aprons to churches across the county, but that she had received emails and calls from many people who were supporting the campaign.
In a popular series of art works, Canadian Edward Burtynsky drew attention to Dehui's vast chicken-production facilities in photographs showing uncountable thousands of poultry workers in a single room, all wearing pink coveralls and blue aprons.
"Parlourmaid Preparing a Bath before Dinner" (c. 1937) and "Parlourmaid and Under-Parlourmaid Ready to Serve Dinner" (1934) are two of his best-known images, the women in their white aprons and potlike caps, uniforms seen nowadays only in period television series.
While dirndls still give a nod to tradition with wide skirts, corsets and aprons, designers have given the outfit a modern twist with brighter colours, fresh design and a little extra room in the corset to allow for plenty of beer drinking.
He wasn't a successful man but he gave the impression of being one, and when he took us out to lunch I marveled at the peremptory tone with which he addressed the waiters, brisk unsmiling men in starched white aprons who, in that adult room of wood paneling and cigar smoke, thoroughly intimidated the lanky, nervous adolescent I then was.