And the Arcade Fire's radiant melodies, which help transform songs of disillusionment into uplift.
Ms. REGINE CHASSAGNE (Singer and Multi-instrumentalist, Arcade Fire): (Singing) We can reach the sea.
Mr. WIN BUTLER (Lead Singer, Arcade Fire): (Singing) Working for the church while my family dies.
Later explosions and pauses hint at Arcade Fire-esque bombast, but they're not as dramatic.
Montreal is giving us a lot of interesting bands like Arcade Fire, though interestingly not Of Montreal.
In the Album of the Year category, Arcade Fire topped heavyweights Eminem, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.
FORBES: James Franco, Anne Hathaway, and the Convergence of Oscar and Grammy
But with the Arcade Fire, there's no redemption in the final verse, no easy escape out on the highway.
The orchestral swells are still there, complete with strings and horns, and The Arcade Fire's signature sound hasn't changed much.
It is now so influential it has even been sited with helping to launch the careers of bands like The Arcade Fire.
This year, Record Store Day highlights will include limited edition offerings from The Flaming Lips, Bruce Springsteen, Arcade Fire and others.
The Arcade Fire ignited in 2004 with a much-lauded recording called Funeral.
When the Montreal rock group The Arcade Fire released its first album, 2004's near-universally loved Funeral, the band became an overnight indie-rock titan.
Accordion, trumpet, violins and keyboard created a euphoric Arcade Fire-party atmosphere, while fans of The Guillemots would also be taken under their spell.
From following Michael Sippey on Twitter, Facebook and our common music streaming service, I know that he is a fellow Arcade Fire fan.
With seven members and a Canadian address, Ontario's The Rest may have trouble avoiding comparisons to The Arcade Fire and Broken Social Scene.
Most recently, high-profile Canadian indie rockers The Arcade Fire have teamed up with Google Chrome to produce "The Wilderness Downtown, " an interactive Web-produced music video.
Sounding like a toned-down Sufjan Stevens or an even more toned-down Arcade Fire Seabear's quiet execution gives its music a breezy quality.
Though the Beatles' Abbey Road was the top-selling LP of 2010, offerings from Arcade Fire, the Black Keys and Vampire Weekend claimed the next three slots.
The Wilderness Downtown, a new creative and technical venture by way of Google, Arcade Fire and Chris Milk, is an impressive leap in music video production.
The Arcade Fire formed in Montreal in 2003 around the husband-wife duo of Win Butler and Regine Chassagne, with Richard Reed Parry, William Butler, Tim Kingsbury, Sarah Neufeld and Jeremy Gara.
The other day, I was watching Arcade Fire play at the Outside Lands music festival when I thought to myself: I wonder if Michael Sippey is here right now?
At that same Arcade Fire concert, a guy in front of me held his camera phone towards the big screen that flanked the stage and hit the video record button.
In the momentous Neon Bible, The Arcade Fire's members have grown up: Their bodies are older now, worn down by modern living, and their hearts are in tatters, but their fever burns more brightly than ever.
This, however, is not the fashionable opinion in hip tech circles, where admitting a preference to anything besides Gmail is gauche and unseemly, rather like going to an Arcade Fire concert in a Justin Bieber tee shirt.
FORBES: My Terrifying Encounter With Yahoo Email: A Survivor's True Shaggy Dog Story
Secklow Gate bridge in Milton Keynes, which crosses the town's market near Midsummer Arcade, was damaged by fire on 28 January 2010.
But then there will be games like Outpost Kaloki, one of a dozen bargain titles on Xbox Live Arcade, an onscreen dashboard that appears when players fire up their consoles.
FORBES: Small game developers have an unlikely ally in Microsoft.