The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has become patron of the Cambridge City Foodbank.
The new Archbishop of Canterbury has described the support from people in Cornwall as "overwhelming".
There's the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who's already proved himself no-one's patsy.
Not far away, the Archbishop of Canterbury conducted a service in the ruins of St.
The audience will include the Queen, the Prime Minister and the Archbishop of Canterbury.
With Timothy Spall, as Winston Churchill and Derek Jacobi, as the Archbishop of Canterbury.
He is two years from being plucked by Henry as the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Could there ever be a woman Archbishop of Canterbury or indeed a gay Archbishop of Canterbury?
The Archbishop of Canterbury took on this point this week, writing that WWJD?
Lord Williams, who had been the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury since 2002, stood down in December.
Only last week, the Archbishop of Canterbury launched a public attack on the government.
The archbishop of Canterbury was legally able to award medical degrees in England as late as 1840.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has been asked to help reconcile Jersey's Dean and the Diocese of Winchester.
He became bishop of Monmouth in 1991 and was appointed the 104th archbishop of Canterbury in 2002.
In his sermon, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, said WWI fundamentally shook the roots of society.
The synod also voted to support a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, asking him to intervene.
The recently retired Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams, a familiar figure at the literary festival, will also participate.
It coincides with an investigation ordered by the Archbishop of Canterbury into child protection failings in churches in Sussex.
Reason enough for concern, but for Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, there may be still more ominous implications.
Jersey's assistant chief minister is calling on the Archbishop of Canterbury to intervene following the suspension of the island's dean.
He has been commissioned to write an anthem for next month's enthronement of the next Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
The service marks the last stage in the Archbishop of Canterbury's appointment following the confirmation of his election in February.
The next Archbishop of Canterbury has said departing his diocese of Durham will leave "a great gap" in his life.
He had only been a bishop for just over a year when he was chosen to become Archbishop of Canterbury.
The Anglican Communion (including the U.S. Episcopal Church) identifies as both Catholic and Protestant, headed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The next Archbishop of Canterbury has guest edited his local paper - and highlighted the plight of young unemployed people.
The Church of England has "lost a measure of credibility" after rejecting the introduction of women bishops, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.
BBC: Women bishops: Church has 'lost credibility' says Rowan Williams - BBC News
Sir Tony offered to convene a meeting between concerned MPs and the incoming Archbishop of Canterbury, the Right Reverend Justin Welby.
During the service, Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, praised the queen's devotion and service -- and wished Prince Philip well.
CNN: Queen's balcony wave, flyover cap Diamond Jubilee celebrations
But he ought to, if he is to follow the example of the nation's top spiritual leader, the Archbishop of Canterbury.