My character as a painter is founded on a childhood spent on orchards with a father who each year took us boys hunting in the Urewera, who read us tales of wild places and man eaters and shot deer with the 303 rifle, and later, the bow and arrow in emulation of the late great American archer, Howard Hill.
"Anything above 50 indicates expanding activity and anything below indicates contraction, " said Global Insight economist Howard Archer.
"The whole environment has changed dramatically in the last few months, " said IHS Global Insight economist Howard Archer.
"The growth and public borrowing forecasts contained in the pre-Budget report look very optimistic, " said Howard Archer, economist at Global Insight.
"November's lower than-expected inflation data keeps the door open for another interest rate cut early in 2008, " said Global Insight economist Howard Archer.
"The Bank of England will be far from happy with the October consumer price inflation data, " said Howard Archer, analyst at IHS Global Insight.
"Given that consumer spending accounts for some 65% of GDP, this is worrying for growth prospects, " said Howard Archer, chief economist at IHS Global Insight.
Howard Archer, an economist at research firm Global Insight, said that small businesses could be particularly vulnerable if core staff cannot make it to work.
Howard Archer, chief European economist at IHS Global Insight, said that the overall economic impact on the UK would be limited in the short term.
BBC: An empty checkout desk at Belfast International airport
Howard Archer, chief U.K. economist for IHS Global Insight, said the adverse weather could hit most sectors of the economy if people couldn't get to work or shops.
Global Insight economist Howard Archer said the latest data and survey evidence indicated that the euro zone would probably see a sharper fall in GDP in the current quarter than in the third quarter.
"The further and increased slippage in economic sentiment in April reinforces our belief that the European Central Bank is more likely than not to cut interest rates on Thursday, " said IHS Global Insight economist Howard Archer.
"The labour market data are disappointingly softer overall and fuel our suspicion that unemployment is likely to trend up gradually in 2011 in the face of below-trend growth and increasing job losses in the public sector, " said Howard Archer at IHS Global Insight.
"The retreat in consumer price inflation in June boosts the case for the Bank of England to hold fire on interest rates for many more months to come to give the fragile, faltering economy every chance to develop growth momentum, " said Howard Archer, economist at IHS Global Insight.
In spite of the signs of improvement overall, IHS Global Insight economist Howard Archer sounded a note of caution for the coming year: "We suspect that the euro zone's recovery could well lose momentum for a time in 2010 before growth starts to gradually pick up again, " he said.