Under the guise of current events, Skolimowski artfully conjures an elemental archetype of human life itself.
When it comes to Linux distributions, Slackware could well be called the archetype.
ENGADGET: Slackware 14.0 now available, freshens and simplifies a Linux vanguard
In The First Law trilogy, the wise-old Wizard archetype is turned on its head.
In the early nineteen-seventies, Wozniak, the hacker archetype, built a system that let him make free phone calls.
By understanding which archetype a firm inhabits, leaders can gain perspective on what actions will best foster innovation.
The archetype of the founder is one with which we seem increasingly familiar.
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One of my very dear friends is my archetype for oxymoron and paradox.
You may initially begin broad, then hone in on specific customer archetype over time as you collect more anecdotal evidence.
None of the characters flesh themselves out past their archetype, but they do a fine job in their little roles.
And every earthly reality is only a pale shadow of its archetype, the original pattern, of which it is simply an imperfect copy.
Once the archetype of underground, downtown style, the East Village is doing some soul searching (some might say "selling") these days.
Each persona her group develops describes the archetype of an individual with a number of different attributes about how they work.
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For example, one archetype is the landlord, who sets specific rules for tenants, as Apple does for independent iPad app developers.
For instance, Rapaille says DaimlerChrysler's use of a dog in a recent print ad came out of a brand study by Archetype.
Take Eddie Murphy, an archetype consistently employed to demonstrate poor crisis management.
Prone to introspection and, in the past, sometimes wilting in the spotlight, he is far from the archetype of snarling Aussie quick.
Once they vet ideas, firms in this archetype tend to have a relatively short time to market and launch many new businesses.
Mr Romney was the archetype of this new breed: he graduated in the top 5% of his class at the Harvard Business School.
"I figured I had lots of time left, " says Donald, who runs his own business, Archetype Digital Solutions, developing multimedia presentations for doctors.
There is a certain Nietzschean creative-destructive darkness to this three-act transformation from human to elemental archetype to near-infallible crucible of the collective unconscious.
The third marketing archetype is Strategists, who balance strategy with tactics.
For this first film in the trilogy, Thorin turns out to be more archetype of a leader-gone-wrong than an example of clever and sustainable leadership.
The change in emphasis has been attributed to the rise of that much-maligned archetype, the hipster - the young urban bohemian, attired in self-consciously quirky thrift-store clothes.
After a successful career as an author of a number of books, a speaker and a consultant, Peters is the archetype for other savants in the business.
In the marketplace archetype, employees are charged with creating new ideas, shopping them around to gain support and implementing them rapidly to test feasibility and market acceptance.
The self-taught tailor says he has a character or archetype in mind for each piece -- the hunter, the gentleman -- but he acknowledges that he's designing for himself.
If there was a bit of the Senator Claghorn archetype in old man Gore, who considered his every utterance profound, he was his own man, not the creation of staff.
CNN: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Tennessee: The Rise of Al Gore'
To make things even worse, Gillian Duffy, a former council employee from Rochdale and the object of Mr Brown's remark, would appear to be a walking archetype of Labour's core vote.
MIT, was the archetype of the modern innovation-driven company.
Greek Tragedy is a powerful archetype in Western culture.
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