The first was the over-arching American press operation, very much a public relations exercise.
BBC: NEWS | In Depth | 2003 | Reporters Log | Reporters' log: Final thoughts
Overcoming these optimization challenges will actually exacerbate one of the more over-arching issues our industry faces.
FORBES: Mobile Phone Gaming Gets A Boost From Better Graphics Chips
Hence, the over-arching task for policymakers and corporate chiefs is to prepare for globalization.
Fred buried the caroming rebound from an arching shot by midfielder Hernanes, who entered the game at halftime.
WSJ: Brazil 2, England 2: Brazil's Maracan? Stadium, National Team Need Work
The convention center may well become Songdo's signature for its arching, multipeaked structure that evokes Sydney's opera house.
It's a close run thing but I sense an over-arching theme here that will let me mention both.
Instead, she recommended the formation of an over-arching Scrutiny Management Committee of three members and a 12-strong Scrutiny Panel.
These regions share certain over-arching characteristics such as crime levels, resources and pollution.
The audience surrounded a central platform that had a "tree" constructed of wood planks and chairs arching over it.
WSJ: A Potent Biblical Bargain, Undermined | Clemency | Boston Lyric Opera | By Heidi Waleson
The energy department DECC originally planned to fold the issue of gas into its over-arching Energy Bill published last week.
BBC: Gas-fired power stations to be encouraged by government
Getting the over-arching value of business aviation relative to your bottom line, will put the costs in a more fitting perspective.
FORBES: Business Aviators - Is that all they are, or should be?
Many funds have exposure to emerging market consumers, but only a few of them have it as their over arching theme.
That is 65 years old and has the advantage of operating in one country, which enjoys an over-arching federal legal system.
Yet the EU is not yet an over-arching governmental super-state ruling apparatus.
Leibowitz: There is no over-arching privacy statute in the U.S. He say they take a two-pronged approach on privacy, including enforcement and policy.
But the Christie Commission suggests a range of practical ideas as to how this over-arching ambition might be mandated within the public sector.
Shadow Education Secretary Tim Collins said the biggest disappointment was that Ms Kelly had not accepted the central Tomlinson recommendation for an over-arching diploma.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teenagers 'must pass 3Rs tests'
The evening is not just about Sachsgate, but there is an over-arching theme about how the media and public have reacted to Brand's unique style.
He refused demands to give the German an over-arching economics portfolio.
ECONOMIST: The beleaguered president of the European Commission
That is why the United Nations needs your engagement, now, on three over-arching challenges, three challenges that will shape the world you leave to your children.
The upper loge, arching toward the rear ceiling like some kind of ski ramp, is so steep that you need a bungee jumper's nerve to sit there.
The dark creature then surfaced between the two of them, who were about 6 feet apart, arching its back as if intentionally showing itself to them, he said.
Various accreditation schemes had started, but it would be impractical to set up an over-arching one for all gap years, such was the diversity of young people's activities.
BBC: Many young people take gap years to try new experiences
With no over-arching rules governing what happens to our online presence when we pass away, it would seem prudent and logical to sign up to a digital afterlife service.
To reinforce the purported similarity, the government has decided that each bank which is closed should have its own separate bridge bank, rather than have a single over-arching one.
The MP said his Support and Protection for Elderly People and Adults at Risk of Abuse Bill was the "over-arching and comprehensive" legislation that was "vital" to "reinforce" existing policies.
And, while the committee welcomed the government's decision to publish the NSS alongside the 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review, it said that "a clear over-arching strategy" had not yet emerged.
It came up to him almost every night, in darkness, and he stood there in the freshly fallen snow, with the trees arching in low around him, breathing it in and out.
Downing Street sources are reported as being concerned that the different inquiries announced today don't "trip over" each other - and therefore the idea of one over-arching inquiry is now being floated.
They suggest that a legal requirement for parliamentary vetting of all these folk could either be added to the statute book, case by case, as opportunities arise, or an over-arching bill could be passed.