Thanks to data collected and disseminated by the Arctic Regional Ocean Observing System (Arctic ROOS) and by national observing efforts, information about the extent of the Arctic sea ice is reported every few days, providing an early warning of changing conditions in the Arctic Ocean.
The Geographic pole is the top of the axis on which the earth spins, the Magnetic pole is where the compass points to, and the Arctic pole is the point on the Arctic Ocean furthest from any land.
The veneer of fractured ice over the Arctic Ocean is changing, disintegrating before my eyes.
We swimmers know what it is to be chilled by the Arctic Ocean, and to be alive.
If things don't change, Russia will continue to drift like a piece of ice in the Arctic Ocean.
The warming of high-latitude North America and the adjacent Arctic Ocean is the largest of any on the planet.
The strait is the exit route from the Arctic Ocean, a current carrying the floes south into the Atlantic.
Environmental campaigners say that a draft plan to respond to an oil spill in the Arctic ocean is inadequate and vague.
In fact, the Arctic Ocean may have been virtually ice-free in September.
Located on the Arctic Ocean, it is home to about 4, 500 people.
Their most significant finding is that climate change means the gas is being released from more and deeper areas of the Arctic Ocean.
They spend most of their time on sea ice, this cap of ice that is floating around on the surface of the Arctic Ocean.
This has allowed scientists to retrieve information about the Arctic Ocean region's gravity field, its surface circulation, and the thickness of its sea-ice cover.
More recently, his techniques have begun to reveal how the changing ice cover might affect the interaction between the Arctic Ocean and the atmosphere.
The U.S. Navy is staging the aquatic-equivalent of a dog-and-pony show in the Arctic Ocean this month with a small fleet of nuclear-powered submarines.
Chemical effects related to acidification have also been encountered in surface waters of the Bering Strait and the Canada Basin of the central Arctic Ocean.
There's also more freshwater coming from sea ice in the Arctic Ocean that's been rapidly melting, and there's yet more freshwater coming from melting glaciers.
NPR: Arctic Freshwater Pouring Into Atlantic, Scientists Say
Shell first obtained licences from the US Department of the Interior in 2005 to explore the Arctic ocean off the northern and north-western coasts of Alaska.
Global warming may make their northern wastes more habitable and allow them to exploit oil and gas located under what is now an ice-covered Arctic Ocean.
In Greenland and the Arctic Ocean, December was comparatively balmy.
ECONOMIST: Britain��s cold snap is explained by the Arctic oscillation
As the fur-bearing population gave out in one place, the Russians moved east and north, following the streams and portages of the rivers that flowed to the Arctic Ocean.
One of two Shell ships that drilled last year in the Arctic Ocean, it has a 160-foot derrick rising from its center and no propulsion system of its own.
"Experts predict that by 2080 or possibly earlier, the ice in the Arctic Ocean will disappear completely during the summer months unless we cut our carbon emissions considerably, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Swimmer planning Thames challenge
Today we flew to Fairbanks and went to the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, for presentations on the diversity of the Arctic Ocean and how climate change is impacting the region.
Between 2004 and 2005, 14 percent of the Arctic Ocean's perennial ice disappeared - some 720, 000 square kilometers (447, 000 square miles) -- a depletion Lynas calls "instantaneous" in geological terms.
Obviously the Arctic Ocean was nearly or completely ice-free at the end of summer for centuries or even millennia, and still the polar bear survived and the Inuit culture radiated.
And Gazprom executives will need foreign expertise to tap reserves in some of the world's most inhospitable places--Sakhalin in the Far East and Shtokman, toward the Arctic Ocean, among them.
The National Snow and Ice Data Center reported in early March that 2011 has tied with 2006 for the record low sea-ice coverage in the Arctic Ocean (in the satellite record).
Holmes spends a lot of time in Siberia measuring freshwater rolling into the Arctic Ocean from rivers like the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena, rivers most Americans have never heard of.
NPR: Arctic Freshwater Pouring Into Atlantic, Scientists Say
In a big blow for Royal Dutch Shell, the Obama administration has blocked the drilling of exploratory wells in the Arctic Ocean off the North Slope of Alaska until 2011 at the earliest.