Instead, he says, women need to feel relaxed in order to feel sexy -- and it's hard to unwind when there are chores to be done and a husband who's oblivious to them.
The sekitori are exempt from many chores, are free to marry and live outside of the stable, but the novice rikishi are expected to cook, clean and tend to the needs of their seniors, as well as train many hours every day.
These chores are among the main reasons why people say they are so overstretched (especially working women with children).
Most of the companies that use India-based workers to provide back-office and IT chores are, well, based in India.
The findings contradict previous research that found men who do more chores are happier and have better work-life balance, and that doing more housework leads to richer sex lives.
FORBES: Could Sharing Housework Equally Send You To Divorce Court?
She and her colleagues have done work suggesting that the division of housework doesn't align with an "exchange model" where chores are traded for a share of income, for example, or sex.
CNN: Why husbands who share household chores miss out on sex
For instance, there are learners who have voluntarily offered to take care of domestic chores for peers who are unable to perform these tasks, in addition to several reports of individuals who have demonstrated a greater ability to deal with conflicts within families and communities.
Residents on both sides of the border say they are worried that everyday chores like those carried out at the library could get more complicated if the traffic between the two towns is more rigorously controlled.
It makes a lot more sense in this larger format than it ever did on a phone, where sustained multiple chores and actions are less likely.
Used and abused in the office as glorified tea ladies, these college graduates are expected to do menial chores until they marry, have children and quit.
This obviously requires husbands to be prepared to manage the household chores while their wives are in class.
Typically, they are seen as labor-intensive chores.
FORBES: An Overlooked Workforce That's Perfect For Hands-On Tasks
If she keeps doing the household chores as a wife, they are taken out of the market place and GDP shrinks.
The majority of married working moms shoulder more than 75% of parenting work and household chores nearly 80% of them are resentful towards their partners as a result.
FORBES: Women Don't Want To Be Rescued, A Competent Cowboy Will Do
As incomes rise, people are more willing to pay others to do household chores, such as cleaning, gardening or even walking the dog.
By the time they are about seven, children start to lie to avoid doing chores or homework, to get something they want, to protect someone else, and to avoid punishment.
Users post the chores they want done on TaskRabbit and how much they are willing to pay.
WSJ: Practical Perks: Workers Get Credits at Task Outsourcers
In general, women are still the primary parent, and they still do more household chores, which involves both physical work and a whole lot of mental work remembering appointments, planning meals, getting the paperwork in on time.
As well as helping mothers care for babies and keeping a diary of their progress, the Dutch nurses help with chores such as cleaning and laundry, make sure older children are properly fed and ensure mothers' rest is not interrupted by too many visitors.
"These are kids who argue with their parents, who refuse to follow through on chores, maybe argue with their teachers, blame other people for their own mistakes, " says Margaret Keyes, a University of Minnesota research psychologist who led the study.
At Floodgate, her early investments include both Modcloth, an online retailer whose apparel and accessories are sourced from independent designers, and TaskRabbit, a marketplace for individuals to outsource chores and errands.
Although both are working in careers, the husband still considers that the wife should perform the traditional chores that women performed when they did not work and the man still relaxes since he had a hard work day.