Older teenagers and young adults are less likely to be covered and checked regularly.
Looser controls would encourage more productive investments that are less likely to unbalance the world economy.
If they know someone from a rival school is cheating, they are less likely to cheat.
Better informed consumers are less likely to be disappointed, and more forgiving if they are.
Better yet, you are less likely to be roiled by negative feedback, or sidelined by attacks.
Women's groups say police are less likely to take seriously complaints from such marginalized communities.
They are less likely to marry in their teens and more inclined to pursue a career.
ECONOMIST: An investigation into unfairness turns up the opposite
But deregulated outfits like Enron are less likely to store excess reserves in the ground.
They are less likely to understand the emotional and temperamental issues that go on with investing.
FORBES: Investors Are Wise To Advisor Conflicts And Lack Of Objectivity
They are less likely to do a deal merely to impress the public, says Daniel J.
Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces are less likely to be unemployed than non-veterans.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Military service benefits civilian life
And if you have insurance, then you are less likely to develop preventable diseases.
This aversion is evolutionarily beneficial because they are less likely to eat them and get sick.
Having plans in place means you are less likely to feel threatened by a job loss.
Also, Journal Register's classified ads are less likely to migrate online than big-city classifieds.
Meanwhile, card lenders have tightened standards, and new borrowers are less likely to get into trouble.
WSJ: Long-Term Unemployed Fall Out of Credit-Card Statistics
If women appear too frilly, they are less likely to be seen as professional.
These banks also are less likely to have minimum balance requirements or charge monthly fees.
They are less likely to do a deal merely to impress the public, opines Daniel J.
They experience violence at the same rate as heterosexuals but are less likely to report it.
Moreover, European workers are less likely to move in search of jobs than, say, American ones.
As governments invest in more projects, we are less likely to reach consensus on their worthiness.
FORBES: When What's "Good" For General Motors Is Not Good For America -- or Built To Last
By cutting dealer margins, dealers are less likely to offer discounts, automatically raising the transaction price.
Whites are less likely to be unemployed, but nowadays they worry constantly about crime.
As a result, unpopular social policies are less likely to be forced on the public.
ECONOMIST: He believes in government, so why doesn��t America?
The Universities UK report also says that graduates are less likely to be unemployed.
But teddies are less likely to protest about trees than Europeans are about genetically modified food.
ECONOMIST: Genetic engineering: Gone is the forest primeval | The
Statistically, older dogs are less likely to be rescued and more likely to be euthanized.
Instead, it was a mystery because adults are less likely to go tubing in the local pond.
Ladies with student loans, it appears, are less likely to marry than their gal pals lacking debt.