When that same problem occurs with a digitally purchased title, consumers are out of luck.
Out West they have fewer strictures on selling insurance but sick people are out of luck.
Alas, renters are out of luck unless their landlord approves a three-inch hole in the exterior wall.
The other 28, 800 or so people with cystic fibrosis are out of luck.
FORBES: The Best Argument That Vertex's CF Drug Combination Works
But that doesn't mean that if parents don't they are out of luck.
And if you want the sprightly punchy, historically informed musicianship of Jos van Immerseel and Anima Eterna (Zig Zag Territories), you are out of luck altogether.
Speaking of the sort, you can use the keyboard with Windows 7, 8 and Vista, meaning those of you still using XP are out of luck.
While businesses using Microsoft 's Exchange will be able to pour calendar information and e-mail directly into iPhones, companies built around Lotus Notes or Novell Groupware systems are out of luck.
Players acquire them the same way, but it means players that were hoarding Elder Charms for a chance at collecting a treasure trove of fast 5.2 loot are out of luck.
Either way, non-Wii U owners are out of luck.
FORBES: Angry 'Bayonetta' Fans Lash Out At Platinum Games Over Wii U Exclusivity
Healthcare providers are out of luck, too.
FORBES: Coming Soon From Obamacare: A Single-Payer Nightmare For Delaware
While businesses using Microsoft 's (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Exchange will be able to pour calendar information and e-mail directly into iPhones, companies built around Lotus Notes or Novell Groupware systems are out of luck.
According to 19th-century Sarkese legend, travellers who are seriously out of luck may see the Tchico.
The 3, 000 people in the Falkland Islands are fine but the 38, 000 in the Turks and Caicos are right out of luck.
FORBES: Apple Ignores the British Empire: This Could Be a Problem For Apple Maps
Also key to remember is that not every TV provider has given its blessing to allows customers access to HBO Go in the living room, so it seems Comcast, DirecTV and Time Warner customers are still out of luck.
ENGADGET: HBO Go rolls out to most Samsung Smart HDTVs -- but not through all providers
After all, if tax debts are discharged the IRS is out of luck.
Business travellers who like to try out new hotels are in luck: Bangkok is in the middle of a boom in luxury hotel development.
In New York or Boston you can thrive as a nonprofit executive, high-end consultant or financier, but if you are the owner of a business that wants to grow you're out of luck.
The point of that example is that if a custodial parent refuses to execute Form 8332 in defiance of a probate court order, the noncustodial parent is still out of luck as far as the IRS and the Tax Court are concerned.
FORBES: State Court Can Order Custodial Parent To Release Exemption
Nextel and T-Mobile are the cell carriers planning to lease space, so you're pretty much out of luck if you use anyone else, but what we're really interested in is the part about how ClearLinx Network Corp.
Corea and others fear it's only a matter of time before someone's luck runs out and an elephant or tourists are seriously injured.