At the time, Lebanon did not claim the areas in which Israel has discovered natural gas deposits or the areas abutting those areas, which are suspected of similarly containing large natural gas deposits.
The fossils were discovered in areas that were once freshwater floodplains home to fishes, amphibians, turtles, crocodiles, terrestrial lizards, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and birds.
But when the brand started expanding into other markets in 2005, some franchisees discovered that consumers in those areas didn't have as much of a yen for late-night eats.
During their inquiry MSPs on the public audit committee discovered that many people from deprived areas and from certain ethnic groups expected to become ill.
Today we have to look at technologies which impact operations, marketing, and efficient logistics that take us to new areas such as irrigation systems and recently-discovered ingredients.
Several years ago he read a paper in a scientific journal by a Japanese scientist who had discovered D-serine in key areas of the brain but didn't know why it was there.
Several years ago he read in a scientific journal a paper by a Japanese scientist who had discovered D-serine in key areas of the brain but didn't know why it was there.
Under the Barnett Formula, which calculates the amount of money the assembly receives from Westminster, Holtham discovered that Wales lagged behind equivalent funding for areas like the North East of England.
She told the jury that two areas of burning were found in the grounds, a burned shoe being discovered at one and some carpeting at the other.
Using their extensive data of the lions in the Serengeti and mapping reproductive success over the landscape in which the prides live, the team discovered that the prides which had the highest reproductive success held territories in very specific areas of the national park.
Dr. Johan Lundin, Research Director, MD, PhD for the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) and Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, discovered a way to get everyone on the same page or in this case, look at the same areas of a sample simultaneously with one microscope.