It warns of a rash of "broadband clutter" in national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty.
BBC: Campaigners angry at Growth and Infrastructure Bill
The south west coast path stretches 630 miles and includes a National Park and five Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
BBC: Mobile phone app for Cornwall's coast path walkers
As well as Snowdonia, four designated areas of outstanding natural beauty, in Anglesey, Kent, Lincolnshire and Somerset would be affected by the new lines.
BBC: Fears over pylons in beauty spots
It also wants any new high voltage transmission lines to avoid areas of outstanding natural beauty, national parks, world heritage sites and green belt land.
BBC: Fears over pylons in beauty spots
Second-home owners may compete with local workers for houses in areas of outstanding natural beauty but they do also bring much needed cash and jobs to poor communities.
ECONOMIST: Banning second-home ownership is easier said than done
He said that such large-scale urban sprawl was "not going to happen here" and reiterated the government's commitment to protect the green belt, national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty.
BBC: Minister denies shift on planning policy proposals
The CPRE says the plans will spoil some of the UK's best-loved landscapes and it has warned of a rash of "broadband clutter" in national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty.
BBC: CPRE says second homes 'gutting' rural communities
Other improvements will include the running of new and some existing high voltage cables underground, particularly where they affect areas of outstanding natural beauty, and the construction of a new undersea link connecting Scotland with England and Wales.
BBC: Ofgem permits ?12 energy bills rise for grid upgrade
It took me three days and apart from when I was traversing two areas that had been government-mandated as "areas of outstanding natural beauty" - the Ashdown Forest and the South Downs - I saw a mere handful of people in the countryside.
BBC: A Point of View: In praise of wind turbines
"This was a very tall structure, bigger than Big Ben, in open countryside against the Chiltern Hills, an area of outstanding natural beauty, surrounded by small villages and conservation areas with a lot of cultural heritage and listed buildings, " he said.
BBC: Aylesbury Vale council rejects Ford turbine plan