Second, BAE's owners, as opposed to its board, aren't weeping about the collapse of the deal.
And those fighting it aren't just from law enforcement, border control or local authorities.
We aren't exactly what we eat, but not eating enough can make for malevolence.
People aren't advocating getting rid of us, but they're busy making room for the new.
Those behind the wheel during rush hour aren't the only ones stuck in traffic.
And the cable operators aren t required to get local phone franchise agreements themselves.
After all, what good are 100 HD channels if the ones you crave aren't included?
But still Labour aren't focusing the attention they would like on key parts of the Conservative manifesto.
Are we saying that teachers at the moment aren't good enough because they haven't passed these tests?
"The State Department has very good announcements about what areas are safe and what aren't, " Frommer said.
CNN: Traveling abroad? Here's some advice after U.S. mom jailed in Mexico
We just want to make sure we aren t missing anything, says IRS Commissioner Mark Everson .
But the river traffic is relatively light and the vessels aren't that big on the whole.
Instead, pack a nutritious lunch and some snacks that aren't filled with sugar and preservatives.
"Most of the photos that I took of her aren't even edited, " Barclay said.
And yet women with careers aren't the only ones getting a bigger buzz than ever before.
Authorities said five children and two adults remained missing and aren't expected to be found alive.
It even distinguished between identical twins--their genes are the same, but their irises aren't.
Fact is, some things we do with our gadgets just aren't good for us.
But GPRS connections aren't much faster than what you might expect from a dialup mode.
Its big rivals aren't in this line, which yields better margins and brings in other business.
And I know in certain areas that students aren't led to go to college.
Development costs are rising dramatically, and games that aren't big hits struggle to reach profitability.
Jobs and Gates's lessons to managers aren't about being cruel to be kind or successful.
Mathur is aiming at people who need to search but aren't always connected to the Internet.
Last week China posted weak manufacturing reports, and analysts aren't optimistic about upcoming data.
Reason: The Federal Reserve's easy money means that funds for overnight lending aren't worth anything.
Citigroup and HSBC aren't exactly tripping over each other to sign up sub-Saharan Africa's rural poor.
The reason: Life insurance proceeds aren't included in your estate if held by a trust.
Aren't there any rich women, for example the widow of the founder of L'Oral?
They also say they aren't concerned about possible future competition from big tech companies.