Candidates seeking Mr. Zuma's job aren't supposed to publicly state their aspirations until later this year.
Number two is that although there are some programs in there that I think are good policy, some of them aren't job creators.
Companies want these "passive job seekers, " as Ambras calls them, because "stellar people usually aren't in the job market, " says Pelago's Scholl.
And because there still aren't enough job seekers in some places, pay for low-wage workers is going up.
But others say the unions aren't doing the job Congress intended.
Ben Heller, a portfolio manager at New York hedge fund Hutchin Hill Capital, which owns both Greek bonds and CDS, said that means the swaps aren't doing their job.
For the soldiers, it's a job fair where they aren't up against recent college graduates in three-piece suits.
In any case the beauty of the oil and gas boom is that multipliers aren't needed to predict job growth.
Witnesses get help finding a job, but they aren't always compensated.
With him gone, it really is a bit pathetic watching these men and women who aspire to the world's top political job pretending that they aren't politicians.
"For all the bluster, I think, in the end, my hope is that people would all come together and that we'll find a way to evaluate teachers, reward the best, give some help to those that aren't doing a great job, " he said during a brief radio appearance Friday morning.
But he said even computer science graduates of top universities have trouble finding a job, so the courses aren't a priority at Lanxiang.
Job seekers, who sometimes aren't clear in stating their requirements, are to blame for misdirected applications, said Sanjay Dasgupta, head of the JobSerf team in Visakhapatnam.
But even they aren't ideal candidates for the job -- since they never see fistula in their own country, they have no experience with it, he says.
To make matters worse, Finkelstein says, there is very little employers could do to prevent obesity in a world where people aren't stuck at a single job.
Graduates aren't just fretting about getting a job - it's getting one with a wage high enough to pay off their debts.
The strategy is the most common way recruiters find potential candidates who aren't actively looking for a new job, according to a recent survey of 450 members of the Society for Human Resource Management.
"People agree with the unions because the workers want to be backed on everything, but then again, there aren't people striving to do their job better, " said Quinn, whose father works at the nonunion Honda plant.
Because job creation and investing in our communities aren't competing priorities -- they're complementary.
They aren't deterred by the fact that their job will likely come with stress.
CNN: For many, a sense of purpose makes job stress worthwhile
To Glass a big part of the job involves ferreting out targets whose assets aren't throwing off cash now--but will in the future.
Moreover, they aren't sure their audience is using it for job-seeking purposes.
Day-trading speculators in the pits who depend on open outcry for their livelihood aren't about to vote themselves out of a job.
"If we don't get some resources, we simply aren't going to be able to do the job that I think the public expects, " Dean said.
"These guys did a good job operationally, and importantly kept material costs aren't expected to be a headwind for the company in 2010, " De Maria said.
Approval of the Democratic leaders in Congress, meanwhile, is almost as bad: Thirty-six percent of those polled said Democrats are handling their job well, while 63 percent said they aren't.
Research suggests that paramedics aren't as good at this fundamental part of their job as they should be.
Personal legal expenses aren't deductible but those related to one's job can be claimed as a miscellaneous deduction.
As a player, when you realise that things aren't going your way you have to do a job for your team-mates.