It has become part of the football argot, especially at the climax of a season.
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Hence his name entered the argot as an ironic appellation for anyone who thought he knew but didn't.
While most discussions of slang focus on the lower and lower-middle classes, the gentry, too, have their argot.
NEWYORKER: The English Wars
Even the prose is weirdly rootless: the multicultural argot of global VIPs who spend their lives at 35, 000 feet.
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In industry argot, the "stickiness" of the relationship between Allstate and its customers is enhanced by a multiline product roster.
FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas
You can construct a similar return profile with three trades--a "bull-call spread, " in the argot of the Chicago options pits.
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This shift in terminology could be just a matter of the mainstream starting to pick up the argot of cybersecurity.
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They are, in the argot of right-wing theology, paleocon rather than neocon.
But physicists have learned to take the need for such fine-tuning, as the precision fiddling is known in the argot, as a sign that something important is missing from their picture of the world.
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