And we can argue about that, we can argue about whether or not the top 2 percent of taxpayers in America deserve another tax cut as part of the election, and then that can be decided by the election.
Critics will continually argue over the level of innovation that accompanies each Apple product, but they rarely argue about the overall quality of these devices.
Then we go back and argue about making the tax cuts permanent for everyone.
It's a rivalry frequently played out by fans who love to argue about hypothetical skirmishes.
Computer scientists like to argue about whether a machine has ever passed this test.
With plenty to argue about there are three reasons why the arguments are becoming more strident.
And then we can argue about some other things -- because I think that's very important.
They also argue about the effect of changes in the sunspot cycle on temperatures.
It used to be fun to jaw and argue about who should be in and out.
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Economists argue endlessly about when recessions end, but deciding when a recovery starts is much less precise.
Experts argue about when exactly the system will begin to pay out more than it takes in.
Members of those groups meanwhile argue about possible electoral pacts, the constitution, and the role of the army.
You can argue about the merits of the stock after the big run, but not on this post.
Of the 19 subpopulations, some scientists argue that about one-third are decreasing and one-third are steady or increasing.
The Gore position is: in a tight race, let's count every legitimate ballot (and argue about the close calls).
When retailers and credit card issuers argue about fees, does the consumer win?
British sociologists (black and white) argue furiously about the reasons for this pattern.
One can argue about whether the Bible does or does not permit abortion.
Some people will want to argue about who gets credit for the good fiscal policy of the 1980s and 1990s.
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Now, one can argue about whether this is realistic but it has the analytical advantage of being, umm, the law.
So the game is not to always argue about whether there is a right to a revenue split, or salary.
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And it will be harder because we will argue about everything: the costs, the details, the letter of every law.
Researchers continue to argue about exactly where that threshold lies, not least because retail banking is such a local business.
Let's keep taxes low for the 97 percent of small business owners, and we can argue about the other 3 percent.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Extending Middle-Class Tax Breaks
"I think I lost six months of my life being sent to meetings to argue about a communications protocol, " says Barra.
They want their own computers, argue about allowances and ask for extra cash so they can eat out with their friends.
But as much as experts like to argue about tactics, women's soccer is not a chess match or a beauty contest.
Rather than argue about ineffectual campaign-finance reforms, why not abolish the tax loopholes that reward lobbyists for their dirty campaign contributions?
Politicians have already begun to argue about what can be done to minimise the likelihood of such an accident in future.
Debaters everywhere argue about whether at this point, the school officials are to blame and not Paterno, because he reported the incident.
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