He said he had not tried to argue down the price of the land but had tried to get the matter resolved in 2003, rather than allowing it to become protracted.
He and his followers argue that bringing down the cost of laptops, and persuading governments in developing countries to buy and distribute millions of them, could have enormous educational benefits.
No matter how much they love us, people inevitably let us down, argue with us and hurt us.
One might argue that shares are down 50% from the highs in 2012 and could be a buy here.
That ability helped him add Central TV to his growing portfolio - although some would argue it was also down to his willingness to pay a price that raised more than a few eyebrows.
Conservatives argue that costs would come down if individuals rather than companies were responsible for their own insurance.
ECONOMIST: Business is right to be scared by the costs of Obamacare
The judge complied, turning down a chance to argue the issue before the appeals court.
Down south, they argue, the Conservatives gained from a splintering of the anti-Tory vote, as some ex-Lib Dems recorded protest votes with Labour or the Greens.
Many argue that since Turkey is bogged down in a 28-year-old war against rebels of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), it cannot afford military adventures elsewhere.
ECONOMIST: Turks fret about Syria, but few of them really want a fight
You could argue that Medicare administrators have fallen down on the job in terms of putting downward pressure on the price charged by service providers, but private insurance have not shown any competence in this matter either.
FORBES: Should Your Kids Subsidize My Grandmother's Health Care?
If the researchers had chosen a slightly different way of measuring the drugs' effectiveness, some argue, Lipitor would have won hands down.
The Securities Industry Association, the lobbying group for the brokerage industry, is considering whether to argue that the Utah law be struck down or is subject to preemption by federal securities laws.
Although the research cited in the post describes trends associated with consumer preference for self-service, rather than live-service, Dixon and Ponomareff extrapolate these results to argue that, when it comes right down to it, customers may not be all that interested in building relationships with companies.
Without it, argue critics, the markets would simply mark down the debts of profligate countries without damaging the euro's fortunes as a whole.
They argue that Washington bureaucrats could force drug prices down even further, as occurs in the drug benefit for military veterans run by the federal Veterans Administration (VA).
FORBES: Why Are The Democrats Attacking The Only Successful Part Of Medicare
Boosters argue that technology and mass production will bring costs down.
ECONOMIST: The government wants to build up a marine-energy industry
If he comes third, his team have more work to do, but it is reasonable to argue he could see off Paul and Santorum further down the road.
You could argue that many of Railtrack's problems were simply down to bad management.
Of course, AOL has its own lawyers who would surely argue a different version of things if it ever came down to litigation.
FORBES: Is AOL Skirting Worker-Protection Law With Mass Layoff?
Google's opponents in the telecommunications industry, however, argue that the conditions are just a ploy to drive down the price of the spectrum.
The plan is greatly watered down, after all, and many economists argue that any benefits from freeing capital markets will probably accrue only slowly.
Doubling-down, another female specialty, Horovitz would argue.
Indeed, I think you could argue that the current low interest rate environment has slowed down the move from physical retail to online: if and when we get back to a more normal environment of two to three percent real interest rates, perhaps 5 or 6 % nominal, then those burdens of multiple stocks are going to be felt more keenly.
But many strategists argue that high government deficits and easy monetary policy may produce inflation down the road.
With the clock ticking down on his first term as prime minister, some argue he needs a clearer vision for the country to improve his chances of getting a second.
Bringing down labour costs certainly solves part of the problem, they argue, but what of the deeper issues?
That doesn't necessarily mean you are entitled to a new iron if yours breaks down after four years and eleven months since the retailer would argue you have had the use of it for that length of time.
But if tax-averse House Republicans approve the bill on Tuesday -- when taxes have technically gone up -- they can argue they've voted for a tax cut to bring rates back down, even after just a few hours, GOP sources said.
START-2 bogged down by arguments over missile defence, would-be proliferators can argue that the big powers have already breached the second part of this bargain.