Ms Sturgeon went on to argue that Mr McConnell had "completely lost the argument" on Trident.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Parties clash on Trident and tax
That's not necessarily a legitimate argument in a capitalist system that's supposed to reward risk taking.
Further, he adds populist bite to the argument for those who perhaps find oil economics somewhat arcane.
And that argument will continue, no doubt, and will be discussed by participants and then historians.
To make this argument, Hough compares Facebook to Google ( GOOG) a few different ways.
At which point let me float a causal argument for what is going on here.
There is a counter-argument, made eloquently by an article that appeared in the British Medical Journal.
Panorama also hears from a mother on the other side of the argument, Alexandra Gould.
There will be much confusion, much argument, as the detail emerges and is argued over.
Wilco also believes the "boring" argument overlooks that the Spurs' style of play is by design.
It wasn't long after the Challenger explosion that word of a pre-launch argument leaked out.
That's an argument that all of us council leaders will be taking to government.
That argument, never very convincing, may be completely put to rest in the near future.
On this view, the argument over whether or not "austerity" killed the recovery misses the point.
Governments didn't appear fully convinced by that argument, a person who was present said.
Yet, this has not stopped the GOP from twisting the result to meet their argument.
FORBES: GOP Leadership Intentionally Distorting Obamacare As Job Killer
This argument rests on a false assumption, that the Middle East was stable to begin with.
This argument overlooks a business loan, the already existing free market solution to the problem.
Another problem with this argument for tariffs is that it overlooks another free market solution.
More complex, though, is the argument that says it's not about justifying the crime.
Norman Davies's new book is the diametric opposite of Mr Elton's, in both scale and argument.
For great numbers of people, better diet and more exercise simply aren't enough, this argument goes.
The difficulty of luring tenants into such a skyscraper is only one argument against it.
That this is also an argument for increasing the birth rate seems not to occur.
Two years later Buffett has been vindicated and investors have given up on the new-paradigm argument.
"We're taking the long way home, " I said, hearing no argument from the rear seat.
Now, the New York Court of Appeals has rejected his argument once and for all.
The argument that Parliament has become ineffectual must have a hollow ring to government ministers.
About to give an argument, they began walking side-by-side up to the counsel table.
In addition to his economic argument against discrimination, Buffett touched on an interesting ethical one.
FORBES: Warren Buffett To Millennials: 'The Future Is Terrific'