The vibe of this car is simple, blunt, primitive, deeply mechanical, highly stressed, occasionally argumentative, wide-awake.
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The more argumentative ones sit in a clearing and debate the nature of justice.
ECONOMIST: Reflections on a summer camp for the children of atheists
Officer Christine O'Brien says Mr Jernnard became argumentative and was escorted from the plane.
One low-level editor at a New York City book publisher is familiar with argumentative bosses.
Others become argumentative immediately, bringing forward bottom-line results to substantiate his or her position.
Books on certain subjects, such as creationism, conspiracy theories and new-age archaeology, spawn torrents of argumentative comments.
Sports being both competitive and argumentative, this stuff is indigenous to the subject.
Those can either watch from the sidelines or get involved in argumentative wars.
It telegraphs that the agency will be a bad, argumentative partner for the client, and it suggests dissention and disorganization.
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The statement was an argumentative screed that laid out three philosophical planks as in a closing argument of a trial lawyer.
ENGADGET: Editorial: A conciliatory Apple would be real innovation
Two concepts, Argumentative Theory and Confirmation Bias, can explain much of this.
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Some see the ads, emails and tweets this money funds as important expressions of free speech, signs of an engaged and argumentative democracy.
Banks are still weak from the 1994-95 collapse, and, with a controversial rescue package blocked in an argumentative Congress, are hardly lending at all.
As we argue in our survey of Islam and the West in this issue, the Islamic world is no monolith: it is complex, diverse and argumentative.
ECONOMIST: Much has been achieved, but things are now going badly
Until recently, Pakistan was a joyfully argumentative and outspoken place.
Your best bet is to rely on the sympathy of your suppliers rather than take an argumentative or confrontational tone when you ask about the possibility of a refund.
And it was up, up, and away, ah, but it's right hard to remember that on a day like today when you're all argumentative, and you've got that face on.
"After asking Hammer who the registered owner was he became very argumentative and refused to answer the officer's questions, " police spokesman Herb Walters wrote Saturday evening in an e-mail to CNN.
My daughter is argumentative, independent and not as affectionate.
Not that the two forms produce identical results, which is why the comparison was intriguing: what as operas the plays lost in psychological sublety and argumentative content, they gained in emotional force.
They still host energetic, sharp and argumentative journalists.
When I address theist claims I reserve my righteous indignation for the occasional argumentative crescendo over moral issues and spend most of the discussion in a neutral dissection of the problems with the theist claims.
When I met him, Quijada was preparing to deliver a talk on the topic of phonoaesthetics, that hard-to-pin-down quality which gives a language its personality and makes even the most argumentative Italian sound operatic, the most romantic German sound angry, and Yankee English sound like a honking horn.