BHB, which took over as racing's regulator from the aristocratic Jockey Club in 1993.
He defeated Karel Schwarzenberg, an aristocratic foreign minister with the TOP09 party, who garnered 45.2%.
Strauss-Kahn, like other avatars of the system, reveled in his own kind of aristocratic and exclusive playground.
CNN: Can France handle truth on sex lives of rich and powerful?
Claus von Stauffenberg, another officer from an aristocratic family, and presented with a plan to kill Hitler.
Has been linked romantically with the Duque de Huescar, heir to the Spanish aristocratic house of Alba.
Karel Schwarzenberg, an aristocratic former foreign minister with the TOP09 party, was in second place with 45.1%.
Fermor had been at the heart of many aristocratic circles, including those of the notorious Mitford sisters.
Meals will be taken in the ultra-aristocratic Hall which attained celebrity stardom in the Harry Potter films.
The scion of an aristocratic family, Mr. Najib was first elected to parliament at the age of 23.
The label "aristocratic" met with his favor, though he may not have appreciated some of the word's nuances.
WSJ: Maurizio Pollini: Not as Others See Him | Cultural Conversation by David Mermelstein
While their subjects often reflect the sitters' aristocratic status, the paintings as a whole are anything but stiff.
She aimed to dress an aristocratic fashion risk-taker for all those parties at castles in the English countryside.
The image of an aristocratic family down on its luck, wearing threadbare jackets and scuffed shoes, comes to mind.
Indeed, until the mid-15th century, handwriting remained a specialized vocation mostly reserved for the church and the aristocratic classes.
She was strongly influenced by Highland colour, deploying both her aristocratic lover's wardrobe of tweed and Fair Isle knitwear.
Few would dispute that markets are fairer than the aristocratic order they replaced where privilege was a birthright, not something to be earned.
His mother, Lady Julia, is a Pakenham, the aristocratic family whose tentacles extend equally vigorously into the world of the arts.
Although the Nehru-Gandhi family was not, as Ms Singh states several times, aristocratic, they and their circle could certainly be snooty.
Then, in the 17th century, when cabinets of curiosity were an aristocratic fashion, they too became a fashionable trompe l'oeil theme.
Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness has been given an English aristocratic title following his formal resignation as member of the UK parliament.
In feudal days, most herders looked after animals belonging either to aristocratic or to monastic masters, while raising livestock for private consumption.
Chief among them: In service to the aristocratic Esterhazy family, Haydn's position on the organizational chart placed him among the kitchen staff.
Just about any contemporary sport has corollaries in competitions in the ancient world, or a pedigree in folk games or aristocratic recreations.
For Ruiz, the aristocratic age, before identity cards and international files, was when no one really knew what was in a name.
The works by Sir Joshua Reynolds, arguably the dominant English artist of the 18th Century, are both oil portraits of aristocratic families.
Because of their aristocratic connections, Ms Evangelisti argues, nuns had real power.
Prix du Jockey Club and Prix Diane Longines are held annually in June, attracting hundreds of aristocratic spectators from around the world.
Ralph Lauren's uncanny faux-aristocratic knockoffs fueled knockoffs of the knockoffs, and now an international knockoff industry rivals the profits of the drug trade.
Hugely competent and consumingly diligent, he looks with wariness or disdain upon most of the aristocratic courtiers with whom he must do business.
From the moment you walked into the Ralph Lauren show space you already knew that you were in for something aristocratic and noble.