The silence was observed at Armistice Day services across the country at 1100 GMT.
Twitter users are planning to take part in an Armistice Day service on the social networking site.
This year's Veterans Day, originally called Armistice Day, marks the 80th anniversary of the end of World War I.
Mr Higgins will be inaugurated on Armistice Day, 11 November, the day after current president Mary McAleese leaves office.
His death will be marked in a special assembly at the college on Wednesday which is being held for Armistice Day.
On Saturday, up to 1, 000 members of the Protestant Apprentice Boys and bandsmen took part in an Armistice Day commemoration in Belfast.
He added that while Armistice Day was a time to remember the mental and physical impact on veterans, Armed Forces Day was for celebrating.
We do a lot to help the community - we play free concerts for charity and the elderly at the homes and take part in Armistice Day.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Band brassed off over noise row
The site has previously been used by the Royal British Legion to promote the two-minute silence on Armistice Day and by the UN to support World Humanitarian Day.
They include St George's Day, Trafalgar Day and Armistice Day.
The Thunderclap site has previously been used by the Royal British Legion to promote the two-minute silence on Armistice Day and by the UN to support World Humanitarian Day.
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The union said Ms Griffiths had received hundreds of messages of support since being escorted off the premises at the London Fire Brigade's Southwark Training Centre on Armistice Day.
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The idea came from James Thomas, a music graduate from Cardiff, who wanted to help people who might not usually attend traditional services, but who wanted to mark Armistice Day.
His parents received written notice of his death on the day the armistice was declared.
Many will recognize it as the day of Armistice in 1918, the cessation of the most obscenely unnecessary of wars and, sadly, the onset of new foolishness that would lead to more ghastly carnage.
Veterans Day celebrates the armistice that ended World War I in 1918.
The signing of the Armistice 90 years ago marked the end of World War I, but Remembrance Day also recognises those who have died in conflicts since.