The new army chief of staff, Abdul Fattah Younis, was Col Gaddafi's interior minister until he defected.
Army Chief of Staff George Marshall told MacArthur he wanted Wainwright recommended for the Medal of Honor.
He was overthrown along with then-Army Chief of Staff Jose Amora Induta in a mutiny in April 2010.
George Casey, who would become Army chief of staff, the Pentagon said Friday.
In his second term in office, in 1997-1999, Mr. Sharif, however, fell out with the then-army chief of staff, Gen.
Mr. Musharraf, who was an army chief of staff when he seized power in a 1999 coup, ruled until 2008.
This follows the lines of Mr Mofaz's initial policy in the West Bank, when he was army chief of staff.
The new army chief of staff, General Ashfaq Kayani, was chosen by Musharraf and the two men are very close.
Musharraf makes no secret of wanting to remain president while retaining the hugely powerful position of army chief of staff.
Earlier this month, Rumsfeld offered Franks, 57, the post of Army chief of staff -- the highest job in the Army.
CNN: Franks turned down the Army's top job earlier this month.
Some memos he wrote caught the eye of Army Chief of Staff (and VMI alumnus) George Marshall, who brought him on staff.
Shaul Mofaz, a former defence minister, and Moshe Yaalon, a minister and former army chief of staff, cancelled visits rather than risk arrest.
Floyd Spence and Ben Gilman (the chairmen, respectively, of the House National Security and International Relations Committees), former Army Chief of Staff Gen.
The retiring army chief of staff, General Hartono, who is close to Tutut, was made minister of information, perhaps a preparation for greater things.
Mr Sharon plainly intends to groom others for that, including the former army chief of staff, Shaul Mofaz, and the mayor of Jerusalem, Ehud Olmert.
Yousef Mangoush, the army chief of staff, one of few commanders respected by both the national army and the national shield, holds a similarly robust view.
Eric Shinseki was pushed into early retirement as army chief of staff, after predicting the Iraq war would take hundreds of thousands of troops to win.
Army Chief of Staff Gen Edmund Entacher also warned that changes to the current set-up would lead "irreversibly to a drop in quality, numbers and ability".
Mr Mofaz, a former army chief of staff, has been one of many Israeli military and intelligence men urging restraint towards Iran over its nuclear ambitions.
ECONOMIST: Israeli politics: Can Binyamin Netanyahu do a somersault? | The
C. the Army chief of staff said that the U.S. may maintain its current force levels of 144, 000 troops in Iraq for at least another four years.
The term of the current Army chief of staff, Gen.
CNN: Franks turned down the Army's top job earlier this month.
Small wonder that, like another admired Army chief of staff, World War II hero Omar Bradley, Shinseki has had a second career as the head of the Veterans Administration.
In 2000, former Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki first proposed the FCS project in an attempt to make the Army more deployable, networked, jointly synchronized and survivable.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Army and its Future Combat Systems in Jeopardy
Eric Shinseki, the outgoing Army chief of staff, told Congress in February that "something on the order of several hundred thousand soldiers" would be needed to govern Iraq after a war.
While Crusader and Comanche were stumbling towards oblivion, Army Chief of Staff Eric Shinseki began a far more ambitious modernization initiative that was expected to definitively answer the need for greater agility.
His starting point is General George Marshall, the Army chief of staff during the Second World War, who culled underperforming generals and promoted the better ones, constructing a ruthlessly efficient fighting force.