Kalladeen later was called up for service in Iraq with the Army National Guard.
Specialist Ryan Hessler(ph) is with the 1087th Division of the Army National Guard.
Many of you know that my son was deployed to Iraq as a member of the Delaware Army National Guard.
Our son Beau is a major in the Delaware Army National Guard, and he was deployed to Iraq for a year.
WHITEHOUSE: Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, D.C.
His son Joseph "Beau" Biden, Delaware's attorney general, is a captain in the Army National Guard and will soon return to Iraq.
Or the city of Richfield, Utah, an entire community that has supported its local Army National Guard through four deployments since September 11, 2001.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady and Dr. Biden Speak on the Joining Forces Anniversary | The White House
The total for 2011 was 283 -- 165 confirmed active-duty suicides and 118 confirmed not-on-active-duty suicides (82 Army National Guard and 36 Army Reserve).
And 143 potential not-on-active-duty suicides were reported (96 Army National Guard and 47 Army Reserve), 117 of which have been confirmed and 26 remain under investigation.
The year my son Beau was deployed to Iraq with the Delaware Army National Guard, my family learned how much simple acts of kindness could lift our spirits.
Specialist RYAN HESSLER (Army National Guard): This is a FMDV(ph).
"It was great to realize that other vets had been through similar experiences, " said Matt Robinson, 28, who served in Iraq as a member of the U.S. Army National Guard.
Joseph White, a soldier in the Army National Guard, told The Courier Herald of Dublin he was heading to work when he drove into heavy traffic clouded by black smoke.
April Conway, spokeswoman for the Nevada Army National Guard.
Last year, McMasters was deployed to Afghanistan with the Army National Guard and, when he returned to the job in August, Tsarnaev was no longer on the staff or the schedule, he said.
My son is a captain in the Delaware Army National Guard and he recently spent a year in Iraq, so my husband and I know well the mixture of pride and concern that all military families share.
In a study the group produced with Tufts University, it says that with government accounting for only 13.4% of publicly distributed food (down from 22.2% in 1991), the private sector will have to make up for the shortfall by distributing a total of 24.5 billion lbs. of food in the next six years--enough to fill 5 million Army National Guard trucks.
Jerry Flanagan is a 45-year-old Army and National Guard veteran from Wayne, Pa.
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For a few hundred million dollars, the Army could keep the York plant working at a reduced level of activity on Bradley upgrades and other investments that the active Army and National Guard say they are going to need.
FORBES: Threatened Site Sustains Most Of U.S. Combat Vehicle Industry
Mohsen Sazegara helped found the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and says the group was originally intended to be a popular force like the Swiss army, the National Guard in the United States or Vietnam's Viet Cong.
Despite the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon says both the active-duty Army and the National Guard are exceeding their recruiting goals.
The attack site was later cordoned off, with heavy national guard and army units with armored vehicles surrounding the area.
The end of Nepal's Maoist insurgency in 2006 allowed army guard posts back into Chitwan National Park, where most of the rhinos live.
The Buffalo News reported that Jorden joined the National Guard in high school, went into the Army after graduation and served with the Army's special forces, first as a weapons expert, then as a medic.
Tim Marsano, a spokesman for the Idaho Air National Guard, said Stone was an air liaison officer with the Army's 101st Airborne Division at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait.