Unless you enjoy the permeating aroma of chlorine in your room, avoid this location.
The beer's brewers describe it as "a stunning blonde beer, full-bodied, with a voluptuous hop aroma".
In Aroma, Greenberg sees a chance to penetrate a business it has been completely missing.
One signature dish vividly distills the aroma and bracing taste of Pacific sea spray.
As the lid comes off, a sweet aroma fills the air and all doubts vanish.
The tasters found that all three cakes had the same aroma and tasted remarkably similar.
The result is what wine tasters call a "barnyard" aroma, which some find appealing, others revolting.
The pungent aroma of farmhouse cheese competes with that of mint and oregano.
Hops give beers much of their flavor, aroma and bitterness, or lack thereof.
There was a musty church hall type aroma mixed in with a sickly sweet smell of ether.
Except this time, as Lewis sat drooling from the aroma of roasting turkey, he felt divinely inspired.
The brewers of Top Totty describe it as "a stunning blonde beer, full-bodied, with a voluptuous hop aroma".
Unlike many mass-produced beers, craft beers tend to be brewed with a particular focus on flavor, appearance and aroma.
"I use flowers for color, aroma and their starburst of flavor, " he said.
Not this week though, where there's a distinct utilitarian aroma in the air.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 9.22.12: Quantum Scotch tape, moving walls and scientific beer
The combination forms a sauce-like paste with a more integrated aroma and flavor.
This Spice House is a store with aroma and atmosphere but no attitude.
Scientists reckon there are more than 1, 200 of them, of which perhaps 700-800 are volatile compounds responsible for aroma.
"There are two types of tech companies, " Myhrvold says in between pauses to inhale the aroma of the food.
It filled the air with the aroma of its promise of spring harvests.
Elsewhere, a coffee area features Whole Foods' own brand, Allegro, which is roasted out in the open for the aroma.
She also opts for soy sauce over fish sauce, a common flavoring in many Thai dishes, citing its "softer" aroma.
In the dining room, she uses either scented candles designed to complement the aroma of the food, or unscented ones.
As most beings in the known universe do know, coffee is a brewed beverage with a distinct aroma and flavor.
This allows consumers to cook multiple dishes at two different temperatures at the same time with no noticeable aroma transfer.
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The handcrafted culinary art (and its chocolaty aroma) is a teaser for the high tea menu in the Entyse Lounge.
Bouillabaisse wouldn't be bouillabaisse without the intoxicating aroma of saffron threads, which are the orange-yellow stigmas of the purple crocus.
The first sniff of barbecue aroma arrived shortly after 9am - well before the presidential motorcade arrived in Downing Street.
She switched to producing cocoa, cocoa butter and chocolate in Ecuador, cold-pressed and partially hand-milled to retain the flavor and aroma.
Unlike the warm aroma of rosewood from a pricier Martin, the smell of the DXM is more like paper and glue.