• Nick Nolte stars as Matt Hobbs, a not-in-demand actor who hangs around Los Angeles looking for work and tends to the unflagging demands of his young daughter (Whittni Wright), whose own road to stardom is less bumpy.

    NEWYORKER: I��ll Do Anything

  • But the fact is there are millions of people around the country who are still looking for work in the wake of the worst recession in our lifetimes.

    WHITEHOUSE: Standing Behind the American Auto Industry

  • Millions have given up looking for work and the unemployment rate is still around 8 percent.

    FORBES: Geithner Leaves the Game, Says We're on the Verge of Winning...

  • They're looking for Democrats and Republicans who are willing to sit around a table and work together to provide solutions to problems like health care, the rising cost of health care.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The concept can be traced to Japanese capsule hotels, first developed around 1980, and appeal to travellers looking to nod off or work in private without having to pay for a traditional hotel room or leave the airport.

    BBC: Sleep in a pod on the fly

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