There is no point beating around the bush, the South Africa game was a disaster.
To their credit, Armstrong and Winfrey haven't beaten around the bush.
We're not going to beat around the bush here: this is one of the most exciting contests we've hosted in a long, long time, and you'll definitely want to enter.
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In September, for example, Yarrow commented on a study proving that wine competitions generate inconsistent results, but in his own comments refused to beat around the bush, stating that a gold medal is no proof whatsoever that a wine will taste good.
Ostensibly, the shift is to let customers count on a lone upgrade date for all of their connected devices, but let's not beat around the bush: the longer intervals are bad for any subscriber whose desire for a new phone or tablet doesn't perfectly dovetail with their contract length.
As America rallied around the flag, Mr Bush's popularity soared.
The Bush who celebrated the shared values on which both the US and Israel are founded knew that those who seek Israel's destruction will also never peacefully coexist with the US. If that Bush is still around, the time has come for him to act on those understandings.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will the real Bush finally stand up?
And the surveys conducted - the exit pollings did indicate that Muslims overwhelmingly voted against George Bush the second time around.
And in America the policy debate revolves almost entirely around demand, the wisdom of stimulus and the Bush tax cuts.
But another extremely challenging task facing the Bush administration is the need to improve the image of the United States around the world, a task made more difficult by allegations of prisoner abuse that have put the Bush administration on the defensive.
By the time Bush got around to issues people care about -- prescription drugs, education, environment, Social Security, Medicare, keeping the economy strong -- Al Gore owned the field.
President Bush was going around the country giving speeches, trying to make the case that the Republican Party was better to be trusted on issues of national security, homeland security.
The lady takes the strap around her forehead, derides his weakness and plunges off into the bush, singing.
In the last days of the 1992 campaign, President Bush had that kind of revelation and jetted around the country, waving his arms and shouting himself hoarse.
Yet the Bush Administration continues to embrace a policy--at home and around the world--of pure inaction at best.
But George Bush said he would turn around the economy and create new jobs.
CNN: Pataki: 'Bush says what he means, he means what he says'
Numerous national polls showed that the storm had cost Mr Bush around ten percentage points from his job-approval rating.
And Mr Bush equally immediately reorganised his presidency around the struggle against terrorism.
"Ashley Bush has built a nice story around the laboratory data that looks like it is moving well into patients, " Trojanowski says.
In fact, the undelivered Rice speech makes clear that the Bush Administration was quite concerned about the threat of terrorism in the United States and around the world.
With Mr Bush, the questions to be answered mostly revolve around the charge that he wants to be too bold.
Perhaps so, but only so long as Mr Bush is around to hate, and so long as the oil money lasts.
President Bush said Friday that the Riyadh attacks gave many people around the world a "wake-up call" that the war on terror continues.
Its system of distribution, which moves the sugary drink from bottling plants deep into slums and the bush a few crates at a time, may employ around 1m Africans.
And with Bush in retirement and Castro likely no longer around after 2008, the lid just might come off.
"Third, the format of the second debate, with the candidates sitting around a table instead of standing behind lecterns, plays to Bush's strength, " he said.
President Bush and what is left of the GOP on Capitol Hill and around the country would do well to heed this skilled operative's critique - and the insights it provides for the way ahead in such a dangerous time of war.
Yet contrary to Bush's clear view on the matter, State Department officials work around the clock negotiating cease-fires.