Apart from arousing small jealousies, the profession of history inevitably attracts controversy.
The feminist icon best known for her novel Fear of Flying is arousing us once again with a current examination of female sexuality.
Despite arousing suspicions and causing concern, she persistently kept one step ahead of the agencies who were supposed to be safeguarding the youngsters concerned.
But what is really arousing interest is the threat of disorder.
The next day starts with a talk on geology by an energetic young scientist who has been arousing some interest among the passengers, especially the female ones.
The growing use of English courts by foreign litigants is arousing increasing concern among free-speech campaigners such as Chris Walker of Freedom House, an American lobby group.
ECONOMIST: Rich people and bad laws mean tough times for free speech
"Lamarch" he wrote "first did the eminent service of arousing attention to the probability of evolutionary change being the result of law, and not of miraculous, or divine, intervention".
Except in one area: displaying powerful, emotion-arousing PowerPoint presentations.
FORBES: Connecting marketers to the Forbes audience. What is this?
In the conversation that followed Perez remembers the woman saying they shouldn't do anything that would cause other women in the clinic to "discover the garlic" -- a local expression for arousing suspicion.
Now in his 70s, Krause is resolved to keep up his field work, if need be by capturing soundscapes with digital recorders tucked into his pockets or tiny mics attached to his shoulders to avoid arousing unwanted attention.
Shaara humanizes his characters, whether hes depicting Chamberlains desire to test himself outside the stuffy confines of academia, Lees tensions with his wife over his long absences during his army career, or Jacksons intense fear of arousing Gods disfavor.
Traders added that Cyprus' decision last week to sell a portion of its gold reserves as part of a bail-out deal had dealt a sharp blow to confidence in the market, arousing fears that other eurozone countries with much larger gold reserves could follow suit.